From day one, I was a rather obedient and "parent-pleasing" child. I strived to impressive my parents and receive as much attention as possible, being the youngest of four children. I would stop at nothing to gain words of praise for my good deeds and actions. I was not a violent child, and when confronted with sibling kicks and pinches, I would curl up into a fetal position as my own defense mechanism. This method of being a model child worked quite well for me, however one particular night my master plan of following the rules came to an abrupt halt.
At about the age of five, I was sitting down to eat an uneventful dinner with my family. For reasons unremembered, I found myself placed in a minor "time-out" on our staircase located near the kitchen. When confronted about the reasoning for my time-out, my mother made the over-used statement, "Are you ready to apologize and come out of time-out?" The next action I took was considered sassy, out of character, and naughty. I rolled my eyes.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me young lady?"
After hearing my mother's response, I panicked. I did not even realize my eyes had rolled in a circular motion until it was too late! I had seen my brother Andy, six years my elder, commit this crime multiple times, but had never committed it myself. I had dug myself in an unforgiving and surly deep hole, as my mother did not take disrespect, certainly in the form of eye-rolling. All my hard work of being the model-child was going to waste! With this thought in mind, I not only "turned on the water works", but I cried enough tears to drown myself and my rolling eyes. The next sentence to come out of my sobbing mouth would haunt me forever, and proved the degree to which I would ingratiate myself with my mother to keep my angel status.
"But...but...I can't see my eyes!"
After a few moments of utter silence, I heard a sound that brought not only relief, but embarrassment. My mother had laughed, and continued to for quite some time. She had realized the unintelligent and desperate tones in my comment, and found comic relief in my suck-up ways. She freed me from the invisible chains locking me into my time-out, and excused my unacceptable eye-rolling. My impromptu plan to keep myself in the good-gracious of my mother had worked! My daily mission was successful, and I was able to enjoy my chicken dinner with a smile on my face.
At about the age of five, I was sitting down to eat an uneventful dinner with my family. For reasons unremembered, I found myself placed in a minor "time-out" on our staircase located near the kitchen. When confronted about the reasoning for my time-out, my mother made the over-used statement, "Are you ready to apologize and come out of time-out?" The next action I took was considered sassy, out of character, and naughty. I rolled my eyes.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me young lady?"
After hearing my mother's response, I panicked. I did not even realize my eyes had rolled in a circular motion until it was too late! I had seen my brother Andy, six years my elder, commit this crime multiple times, but had never committed it myself. I had dug myself in an unforgiving and surly deep hole, as my mother did not take disrespect, certainly in the form of eye-rolling. All my hard work of being the model-child was going to waste! With this thought in mind, I not only "turned on the water works", but I cried enough tears to drown myself and my rolling eyes. The next sentence to come out of my sobbing mouth would haunt me forever, and proved the degree to which I would ingratiate myself with my mother to keep my angel status.
"But...but...I can't see my eyes!"
After a few moments of utter silence, I heard a sound that brought not only relief, but embarrassment. My mother had laughed, and continued to for quite some time. She had realized the unintelligent and desperate tones in my comment, and found comic relief in my suck-up ways. She freed me from the invisible chains locking me into my time-out, and excused my unacceptable eye-rolling. My impromptu plan to keep myself in the good-gracious of my mother had worked! My daily mission was successful, and I was able to enjoy my chicken dinner with a smile on my face.