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Personal statement for kgsp graduate program master degree in medical laboratory science

Mrafi almahi 1 / -  
Oct 30, 2020   #1

This is my challenge

"people don't like to take unfamiliar roads cause it's uncomfortable and scary, they dont know what expect or to predict"
For the society i live in studing abroad is unfamiliar, but studying in south korea it is even stranger, i grew up scared of leaving my country alone , but now i am ready to break through my comfort zone and to challenge these presentations and prove it wrong

Being a medical laboratory technologist in one of the third world countries devolop within me a desire for a better education chances, it also devoloped inside me the love for helping other within my ability outlined as medical help to the far places.

In 2018 I obtained my honor bachelor's degree in medical laboratory science from university of AL gazira in wad madani, sudan. I graduate with histopathology and cytopathology as my subspecialty.

Having my chance to work in a rural area as a laboratory specialist given me the opportunity to see how far behind we are and so is our health system also it taught me how different we can be even inside one country.

You might wonder why Korea? Why not anywhere else?? For me I have always dreamt of studying in korea, the difference in the teaching approach between my home and south korea drawn me in immediately. In my first degree study i have done so many researches for my assignments and presentations and so i stumpled upon many fascinating researches from korean universities and that gave me a push to start looking for korean scholarships , far from education Korean culture, language and the country itself have always took my breath away and as a black Muslim I would like to experience the live there and the reaction of the natives personally.

Also I want to challenge myself by getting out of my comfort zone which is represented in my country my culture and my family, yet I want to go somewhere I am interested in and not just some random country.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Oct 31, 2020   #2
You have not read the application requirements for the masters course GKS sponsorship. Your personal statement does not provide any of the required information in a manner that will be acceptable to the reviewer. You have treated this like a college undergraduate essay. It is too simplistic in approach and does not provide a clear discussion based on the required information which are:

o Motivations with which you apply for this program - Based on your academic and career considerations
o Your education and work experience in relation to GKS.- Summarize your undergrad course, explain your continued learning process, indicate if you are studying Hangul on your own or in classes. How does your knowledge of Korea relate to your previous education or future educational plans?

o Reason for studying in Korea - Based on the accomplishments of Korea in the field you want to train in. What you hope to learn socially and academically and why you think it is important to learn those things.

You need to present a more serious discussion. One that shows you have given great thought to your studies abroad, your choice of Korea, and how you hope to become a better professional and person through this experience.

o Any other aspects of your background and interests which may help us evaluate your aptitude and passion for graduate study or research.

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