once you stop learning, you start dying
There is a famous adage"once you stop learning, you start dying". This is a quote that I essentially live by. As such, as an academic in the polytechnic, this scholarship will accord a chance to widely broaden my knowledge, skills, experience, and expose to the world-class facilities in the area of "Environmental management and policy " as one of my keen interest.
As a close observer of the environment in Nigeria, the need for greater environmental protection is becoming increasingly important by the public in order to address issues such as pollution, wildlife protection, land use, waste generation, and waste disposal management, it is against this that I have decided to pursue graduate studies in Environmental Management leading to doctorate. However, upon returning after securing the scholarship, the knowledge acquired will directly be applied in the area via research, collaboration with government, oil and gas stakeholders as well as mentoring students to effectively safeguard and protect our environment.