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Studying in South Korea is a way to in realize my future goal - KGSP Graduate Scholarship

felixyustian 1 / -  
Mar 21, 2016   #1
o Your course of life, your view of life, study background, your hopes & wishes, etc
o Your education and work experience, etc., in relation to the KGSP program
o Your motivations for applying for this program
o Reason for study in Korea

I accomplished my study on Electrical Engineering for exactly 4 years, and gained bachelor degree in December 2009 from Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang - Indonesia. As the requirement fo my undergraduate degree, I conducted research in maximum power point tracker for the photovoltaic application, which is used for improving the power output of the photovoltaic to its maximum level. This research is based on the algorithm of ripple correlation control, which is used the ripple that produced during the maximizing process, in order to achieve the maximum output. My research finding showed that this control algorithm is proven to be used for the application of photovoltaic, which is done sucessfully in experimental test. Furthermore, I attented several conferences focusing on control engineering, such as International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), that held in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung - Indonesia on 17 - 19 July 2011. I presented my paper entitled Maximum Power Point Tracker as Regulated Voltage Supply using Ripple Correlation Control, which is focused on the application of ripple correlation control algorithm for the application of photovoltaic. I've also graduated with achievement of becoming best undergraduate student during the commencement ceremony. Beside that; I've also developed my leadership skills by joining students associations, students clubs, becoming a student committee for several students activities.

For my master study, I've studied about Control Engineering, under Department of Electrical Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung - Indonesia and graduated in 2.5 years, including 1 year of exchange study at INP-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse - France and gained my master degree in August 2013. My master study is focusing on the control algorithm and topology for the applications of power electronic devices and embedded systems. My research during my master's study is about the control algorithm, which used a combination of proportional integrator differential (PID) and hysteresis algorithm in the application of the boost inverter, where the boost inverter could be used for the electrical drive systems for the robots and other actuators. I've also published paper under this research on International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE) that held on 8 November 2014 at Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia, under titled as Control of Single Phase Boost Inverter with the Combination of Proportional Integrator and Hysteresis Controller, which is focused on the application of the combination of PID and hysteresis control algorithm for the application of single phase boost inverter. During my master's study, I've also joined summer school under AOTULE (Asia-Oceania Top Universities League on Engineering) program that held on 27 June - 12 July 2012 at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Bandung - Indonesia, which one the members is KAIST as the representative of South Korea's university.

Since I graduated from my master, I currently working at my undergraduate university, Soegijapranata Catholic University as lecturer and researcher. I've teach some lecturers, escpecially on the field of robotic and control engineering. My research projects are also around the robotic engineering field, like humanoid robots, fire-fighting robots, and unmanned aerial vehicles. My method of lecturing is differ from the conventional one; I prefer to using animations, videos, and images to explain something that related on the lecture; because I think that when using something that visual is could made students easier to understand the subjects. Consequently, I have gained experience of how to devise a lesson, select teaching materials, facilitate active classroom activities, and choose the most effective teaching strategies. These have then enabled me to see how my ideas and innovations have led me to desired results and made me suitably qualified to apply this Ph.D program. I've also has experienced in maintaining laboratory's activities since I'm head of laboratory, I've to managed the research modules, measurements instruments, students' experiments timetables, and others. I've also become a primary advisor for my university robotic team, that has been joined a lot of robotic competitions and contests since year 2010. For this responsibility, I need to be open-minded, easy-going, adaptable to changes, and quick-responsive to problems.

My future goal is to becoming a world class robotic engineer and researcher. I want to contribute to the development of robotic engineering in the world, especially in the field of artificial intellegence and control systems. The development of robotic engineering could help people to improving their quality of life, reducing the risk of uneven accidents, and reducing the cost of production. By using robots, elderly could be helpful by providing them some services that us couldn't be provided all time, robot could help elder people in unlimited time, unless their battery is drowned out. Robot also could help people in reducing the rate of accidents; by providing safest routes while driving, monitoring our technique of driving, providing "fail-safe" system in case of probable accident events. Reducing the production cost could be happened when robots are entering the industrial and manufacturing sectors; by utilizing robots, production could be done in almost all time and also in the equal quality products. This phenomenons could be happened not only in Indonesia, but also could be happened all over the world. In this case, by utilizing the KGSP program, it will enable to learn new robotic technology that has been developed and implemented nowadays, particularly in South Korea, which also could be developed also in Indonesia. Seoul National University (SNU) as one of the research-based university in South Korea has been actively conducted research on robotic engineering since couple years ago, they have produced autonomous car that could be self-driving and called just via smartphone app, but also aerial robotic technology that has been used in many aeronautic applications, as shown on some technical publications and media. I believe that KGSP will be once in a lifetime opportunity for me to learn deeply about my field of study as well as serving as a bridge to reach my future goals.

Studying in South Korea is a way to in realize my future goal and link between my background study and future goal. I'm very sure that this country has definitely occupied an absolute world leading position in robotic engineering. Advanced theories, technologies, and information in this country will facilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable progress, fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field of robotic engineering. Seoul National University (SNU) has becoming also one of the leading research-based university in the world, with well-known research and publications in the field of robotic engineering, espcially in the aerial robotics one. As one of the them, Prof. Kim, Hyoun Jin as the researcher at Intellegent Control System Laboratory (ICSL) at Department of Aerospace Engineering has become one of the leading researcher in the field of aerial robotic engineering. By the facilities and support from the ICSL, I'm very sure that my future goal will be achieved in the future. South Korea has been a research-based developed country long time ago. They have shown that research, education, and hard working has become the major point of change of a country to become a developed one. The development of robotic engineering and artificial intellegence have becoming one of the major point of research and study in South Korea, especially when KAIST team has won the Darpa Robotic Challenge (DRC) Finals in the United States on year 2015. South Korea also has been developed their own unmanned aerial robotic or "drone" that already operational some years ago, besides all the robotic technologies that used in the Surion helicopters and T-50 Golden Eagle jet fighters. This made me that South Korea has become one of my reason for continue my study in order to achieve my future goal.

justivy03 - / 2279  
Mar 23, 2016   #2
Hi Felix, as I read and understand the purpose of your essay, I must say it needs a little revision with the focus on your word choice well as the form of the words.

The good thing about writing for KGSP is that the guideline is very clear, it's almost like answering an essay for a regular submission.Having said that, the approach of the essay should be simple and the information given is the same. Furthermore, the words you choose is somehow not fitting in the essay, please find the samples below.

> becoming - use become or of becoming depending on the sentence

> by using - In using

> I've also graduated - I have accomplished..

> could be happened - could happen...

> I believe that KGSP will be once - I believe KGSP is a once...

As you can notice Felix, there is still a lot of work to be done in your essay, I hope you follow through and see the revision guidelines apt to the standards in the KGSP essay.

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