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Suppporting statements; Why in Monash University? Experience of study in Australia and future career

Lisa_Listiana 1 / -  
Apr 28, 2016   #1
Dear seniors, please help check my supporting statements:

1. How did you choose your proposed course and institution*?

I have been taking a part in English teaching for more than ten years, and I am dealing with many kinds of students diverse in character, intelligence, and learning style. Particularly, the students in my institution come from various backgrounds; but they share one thing in common, none of them are English speaker. They are born in Malay language. They are educated in Bahasa Indonesia. However, these natural distinctions possibly lead to constraints in the way they are thinking and understanding other languages which have different rules of structure and sentence pattern. With this problem to solve, I am motivated to gain more knowledge and learn more skills on teaching.

I was first inspired by an instructor in an Essay Workshop who is an alumnus of a university in Australia. After a long discussion, she recommended me to pursue Master degree in TESOL. Then I found out that Master of TESOL offers curriculum and extensive education on the English teaching within any context. It will help me develop my understanding in teaching principles; acknowledge my questions on how to bring theories into practice. This program also provides opportunity to build up self expertise in all kinds of English teaching situations; make me able to adjust my teaching methods, materials, students' condition and learning activities to the local environment and the needs of the students.

Why in Monash University? In Academic Ranking of World Universities 2015, Monash is in rank of 114th from top 150 universities in the world. It has been constructing its ambition to reach excellence globally in research and education. Likewise, the commitment of Monash University is remarkably renowned in providing best academics and supportive staff to make positive impact for the betterment of the students and empower more progressive achievements. All in all, I am proposing coursework of TESOL in Monash University, in which I believe, will be the right place to study.

2. How will the proposed study contribute to your career*?

Experiencing more than five years teaching vocational school students has challenged me to be more progressive in creating innovations in teaching-learning activities. My primary future goal is to be more professional and skillful teacher with ability to cope with various situations in English teaching. I need to upgrade my qualification and enhance my expertise in managing class, managing students, applying curriculum with appropriate methods, doing assessment and eventually, provide improvements. I believe that if I stop learning and leave myself to my own existing capacity, I will not be able to contribute more to Indonesia education, I will not happen to be a reliable teacher. Furthermore, I would like to have role in solving the current issues in Indonesia education, especially in the world of English teaching; and this study will prepare me to aim this ambition.

Aligned with this condition, this study will accommodate me to acquire and develop extensive theoretical knowledge and practical skill for English teaching in wide range of contexts. Experienced lecturers are prepared with their specific program for students with distinctive needs of further learning. It is to assure that every students of TESOL are well educated and meet the quality standard of the university.

This proposed study will encourage me to have following skills which are required to support my career;
- Develop substantial principles of practice in English language teaching and learning
- Conduct excellent research in education
- Perform innovative practice-base language teaching
- Organize curriculum development and assessment
To sum up, I am certain that my experience of study in Australia will increase my cultural awareness, develop my interpersonal skill and extend international network for sharing teaching ideas and education progressive development. Thus, It will help me achieve excellence in my career.

no more than 1-2 essays max. please

adhesti 3 / 10  
Apr 28, 2016   #2
... but they share one thing in common, none of themare is an English speaker. They are born in the Malay language.

This program also provides an opportunity to build up self-expertise in all kinds of English teaching situations...
... Monash is in the rank of 114th from top 150 universities in the world.
... best academics and supportive staff to make a positive impact for the betterment of ...
justivy03 - / 2280  
May 5, 2016   #3
Hi Lisa, first of all, WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, I hope you find this website helpful to your practice and useful to your writing articles, also, I would like to commend you for your continuous practice of the English language, I know you will agree that it is one of those subjects that is complicated and quiet hard to understand, especially when it comes to the rules of the language, I mean Science and Math are quiet difficult and so is English.

Now, what I notice in your writing is the lack or missing linking verbs and don't get me wrong, this is absolutely normal especially when you are so engrossed to your writing that you tend to miss the minor details, this is why proof reading is a must before posting the essay or any writing article. One more thing, the punctuation marks such as a comma, are also very helpful in stressing your point at a certain level of the essay.

Overall, both essays answer the prompt and the idea needed to answer the essay is also very evident, a little polish will not hurt. I hope to review the revised essay soon and should you need further assistance, do let us know, we will be here for you.

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