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"Things are getting complicated..." - Personal Statement - Erasmus Mundus IMSISS Scholarship

Holse 1 / -  
Apr 9, 2021   #1
Hi, I recently applied for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS). Unfortunately I was not selected, but I would like to ask you for advice on how to improve my essay the next time I apply. Thank you all very much.


Please be as precise as you can when writing your Supporting Personal Statement. Do not repeat yourself and do not exceed the total word limit for the personal statement (600 words). You must address the following questions in your personal statement:

1.What is your main motivation for applying to the IMSISS postgraduate degree?
2.How will your educational background and/or work experience inform your engagement with this programme?
3.How will this programme support your future career development?

Personal Statement

Things are getting complicated in the world. New technologies are altering the international landscape in ways we do not fully understand, but which will affect all governments and international organisations in the years to come. My region, Latin America, is not exempt from these changes. However, unlike other regions, we do not have many people trained to deal with the transformations we are experiencing. In a world characterised by technological change and competition between great powers, we are vulnerable.

My main motivation for applying to IMSISS comes from my interest in these technological changes, and the way they affect international politics and security. Therefore, the focus of IMSISS and the universities of the consortium on the new threats to international security coincides with my professional interests.

The programme would provide me with the opportunity to learn directly from several of the leading researchers on topics such as cyber security, technological change, and new security challenges. It would also give me access to the academic environment of the European Union. With several of the best universities in the world, top-level think tanks, and international organisations that are already facing these new challenges.

This would be a huge boost in my efforts to achieve my professional goals. Aiming to become a leading expert in Latin America on International Security and its interrelationship with technological change. An area that is underdeveloped in my region, and which I would help to move forward after the programme.

Thus, once I completed IMSISS, I would return to my region to work on researching how the new technological landscape will affect the security of Latin American countries in the decades to come. Working with governments and organisations in the region, providing them with the knowledge to make appropriate decisions to preserve the peace and well-being of our societies.

These are familiar topics to me, as during my time at the Central University of Venezuela, where I am the best grade in my class, I have endeavoured to learn more about politics and technology. First by becoming the Assistant of my Professor of Theory of International Relations. A position I have held for three years, and where I support the course professor in research and teaching tasks.

At the same time as studying, I obtained a position as Research Assistant on new technologies at the Venezuela's largest think tank, Cedice Libertad. There I had the opportunity to publish articles and advise deputies of the Venezuelan National Assembly on technological changes. I was promoted a year later to Coordinator of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, thanks to my outstanding performance and knowledge about technological innovation.

Finally, I also spend time writing analyses on international politics and new technologies for the political analysis website Politizados, and the youth section of the think tank Venezuelan Council on Foreign Relations. All these experiences have equipped me with the analytical skills, theoretical knowledge, and professional experience to advance towards my professional goals.

For these reasons, I consider that the path that best suits my professional interests and experience is the "Pathway A" of the master, with a concentration in "Security and Technology". Through courses such as "Contemporary Issues in Security", "Cyber Security" and "Technology and Warfare", I will be able to study the latest technological advances and their impact on security.

In addition, the academic environment of three leading universities will allow me to write my dissertation on "The Impact of New Technologies on Inter-State Conflicts". A topic that interests me, and which has not been properly studied in Latin America. With which I would be able to better advise decision-makers in the region.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Apr 10, 2021   #2
EM-IMSISS is a highly competitive scholarship to apply for. You have to understand that the applicants for this program have solid work experience and actual work related motivations, career goals, and constant localized training for their skills improvement. These are the aspects that are missing from your application, which probably contributed to your removal from the scholarship consideration. Your essay is too amateur and academic focused. The actual professional application of your studies do not really lend to a strong application. You cannot use the same information for your next application. You have to write a new application essay that will reflect the improvements you have undertaken with regards to your work experience and local training. By local training, I mean seminars, training sessions, skills improvement programs, and other similar programs that your company or facility might offer you. Skills and training that would help show a career direction and possibly, skills development that you can share with other scholars if you are awarded the scholarship during the next application season.

Home / Scholarship / "Things are getting complicated..." - Personal Statement - Erasmus Mundus IMSISS Scholarship
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