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"an agent for public betterment" - Peace Corps Admission Essay

sstacy2 2 / 1  
May 26, 2008   #1
Okay I'm writing an admissions essay for the Peace Corps.I'm a bit out of practice with essays so I could use any help I can get.

My Essay:(350 Words)

I knew the moment I had my business degree in hand that I would not be fulfilled by the traditional career paths of my peers, that I would use my degree for more than a corner office. I want to be of service in my life, to know that I spent my time being of public service. Knowing that I was after a unique direction I began searching for an opportunity that could satisfy my desire to help people, and to have a once in a lifetime adventure. It was in my search for that road less traveled that I found the Peace Corps.

My motivation to help people is to be part of real change on a person to person level; to participate in action at the grass roots level. I want to be part of changing the circumstances that hold people of second and third world countries down. Not in an abstract way, but by getting my hands dirty, with real people. The Peace Corps represents what I think can be a positive force for change in those countries. In a time of wars, poverty, and general unrest around the world, I can be part of a collaborative effort to further peace.

My second motivation to the join the Peace Corps is the sense of adventure that service in the Peace Corps produces. Being transplanted to a foreign land; absent of language with nothing but optimism and good intentions. The Peace Corps is a completely unique experience of immersion into a different world. It is an experience that offers an abundance of opportunities to see new places, learn new languages, and to above all inspire a new perspective.

This new perspective will be immensely beneficial after my service is over. It will be of use first in my graduate studies in International Relations, where my first hand knowledge of a different culture will shape the scope of my studies. After my graduate education I can only imagine how my experiences abroad will shape my life's path as I develop my role as an agent for public betterment.

OP sstacy2 2 / 1  
May 26, 2008   #2
Sorry I left out the question.

Essay question: Please provide a statement (between 150-500 words)that includes:
- Your reasons for wanting to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer; and
- How these reasons are related to your past experiences and life goals.

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