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'Artist's growth' - graphic design essay

nikroez 1 / -  
Oct 13, 2012   #1
One of my friend told me about how art affected her life, she explained that she loved the way it made others around her feel, she loved that it could change the mood of persons around her. That is how I feel through the expression of my work and I think that The One Academy can help me as an artist grow and receive opportunities. Of course I can find other place, but The One Academy is different. The One Academy teach art with spesification. From their name, The One Academy of Communication Design, which Malaysia leading art and design college, and their teaching philosophy "masters train masters", I can learn techniques and tips in Graphic Design to help me in my future careers. I can be taken down that path where I will feel the strongest, where I will feel the most confident and where I will find the most passion. Quite frankly I love the fields of Graphic Design: advertising, topography, packaging, and so many different paths that can be taken for Graphic Design, and I am captured by all of these paths. I love being a Graphic Designer, from the first time I get in touch with Graphic Design software (like Adobe Photoshop), I just love it and now it becomes my new hobby. I know the field of graphic design is so demanding in these times, and although this field is very competitive, but I feel as though I have the passion and will to make it in this field, I believe that The One Academy will really build me as a Graphic Design artist, and will lead me to the path I am destined to be in. Its reputation, location and size also lead to my desires of attending The One Academy

Jstuff36 5 / 17  
Oct 13, 2012   #2
The first sentence. One of my friends explained to me how art affected her life, she explained how she loved the way it made her feel and how it could change the mood of people around her.

other place
other places

From their name, The One Academy of Communication Design, which Malaysia leading art and design college, and their teaching philosophy "masters train masters", I can learn techniques and tips in Graphic Design to help me in my future careers.

^To me, this sentence needs work. First you can not actually learn anything from there name, but you can talk about how there name promotes the ideas of school, but overall this sentence need to be changed big time.

There are many grammatical mistakes in your essay. Reread it over carefully, and read it out loud.

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