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"an artist's mind" - SCAD Statement of Purpose

mariagaston 2 / 5  
Apr 13, 2010   #1
The statement should be of no more than 500 words and should give an overview of the applicant's academic and personal experience, describing preparation for and commitment to further study at SCAD, as well as educational and professional goals and aspirations.

My statement of purpose:

Just as each individual mellows into an adult, an artist's mind also continues to evolve. The importance for me to become an artist goes far beyond being a hobby, in terms that I don't set limits to what I can or cannot do in Art. Every artist has a motivation or a specific aim, and I convey my personality into what I make for the purpose to entertain. My desire to major in Computer Animation is inspired by my love for creativity, design, movement and entertainment.

Art is everywhere, it's diverse, it appeals to everyone and almost every aspect of our society is associated with an art form. I was brought up in Paraguay, a country where Art itself plays a minor role in society; therefore my career options were limited. My arrival to the US bestowed upon me, the opportunity to pursue a career in the Arts. My involvement in my High School's National Art Honor Society and Fundraisers granted me experience and determination to become comfortable working with other artists, which enabled me the ability to work in teams, as well as allowing me to use my skills as an artist in means other than just to entertain. I had the privilege to serve as Secretary and Vice President of the National Art Honor Society for two consecutive years at my club, as well as head of the "Haiti Houses" fundraiser for the Haiti Relief. Both granted me the opportunity to devote myself into something that was artistic, fun and charitable.

Upon my campus visit to SCAD, Savannah and Atlanta, I noticed a feature in the Department for Computer Animation that sets SCAD apart from any other art school, and that was the Motion Capture System. Most art schools, as far as my knowledge goes, do not furnish students with such technology. This quantifies SCAD's commitment to provide their students with the best technology available. My admission to SCAD will allow me to foster my skills to move forward into the Art community and use the resources as an asset that will allow me to exceed in Computer Animation. I aspire and endeavor to carry on my experience in SCAD into my career in an avidity to work for large corporate such as Pixar Animation, DreamWorks, etc.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 14, 2010   #2
Tim did such a thorough job, I can hardly find anything to correct...

Here is something I can help with:
This quantifies SCAD's commitment to provide their students with the best technology available.
Whenever you are writing something that is important to you, use a noun after "this" for excellent style.

This boat got me to the island.
This attribute reflects SCAD's commitment ...

I used a noun, "attribute," and I changed quantify to reflect. The word "quantify" has no place in this sentence! :-)

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