"Excellence in all we do"
"Integrity, First, Service before self. Excellence in all we do" is the motto of the United States Air Force Academy. It is a motto its cadets live by. Its verbiage echoes the ideals and values that every upstanding citizen of the United States of America follows throughout their lives. As one of those citizens I live by this motto every day, always putting my peer's well-being before that of my own, putting aside personal gain for that of selfless service to help promote the greater good. I take pride in the quality of my work, striving to ensure every project and assignment given to me is given back with a higher degree of workmanship then expected. Every action performed and word uttered is done so with excellence in mind. It is done so with integrity at the forefront of all values. I know that I want to attend the United States Air Force Academy, not just because it represents the pinnacle of higher education for the men and women of the United States of America but because it represents the apex of my very ideals and beliefs. It represents my willingness to service my country to put aside my own life in favor for that of my fellow countryman, to ensure hat in all I strive to do in life, is done so with excellence and integrity at the forefront of it all. I want to attend the Air Force Academy because it will provide me to work alongside those who share these ideals and beliefs and those who wish to grow and mature these very ideals in an environment dedicated to upholding them. (Essay is a 300 count Word Limit)