Hello, I kindly ask you to evaluate my essay to AUB. I will appreciate that too much.
What idea, invention, discovery, or creation do you think has had the biggest impact on your life so far? (100 words)
the invention of internet is the greatest
Out of all the inventions, I think internet is the best. Simply, without this outstanding invention we can't do sundry of things. Internet helped me a lot in searching, applying, and shorting distances. Imagine no internet we can't do research, for instance, and publish it around all the world; We can't apply for competitions, tournaments, colleges. We must travel to do a little duty if internet isn't existed. The great benefits that I got from internet is the plain in applying to STEM, AUB, AGFE. The myriad of advantages can't be counted.
Simply, Without internet, this the outstanding invention we can't do sundry of things. Internet It has helped me a lot in searching, applying, and shorting distances. browsing information, applying vacancies, and communicating with relatives.
We can imagine if there is no internet, we can't do research, for instance, and publish it around all to the world. We can't apply for join some competitions and tournaments, colleges.
We must travel to do a little duty if internet isn't existed. = what does it mean?
... from internet is the plainI can apply STEM, AUB, and AGFE. The myriad of advantages can't be counted.
Notes :
- Be careful with your sentences particularly for complex sentences
- Please avoid to use translator because some translator are disorganized in translating languages
- If you want to use conjunction, make sure you place it in the right position
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15505 Steven, the response you are giving is highly generic. It is the standard go to response that every student who will respond to this prompt will opt to present. As such, your response is not unique. It will not grab the reviewer's attention, nor will it make the response memorable. You need to think harder and not go for the obvious response. Think out of the box. The greatest invention could be something like a gadget, the possibility that cancer may soon be cured with a vaccine, or the creation of clothes that double as gadgets like the internet connected exercise suit. Think of an answer that you think will not be a standard response. You want your response to jump off the page and impress the reviewer. You need to find a response far more interesting than the invention of the internet if you want to make an impression on the reviewer.
If necessary, do some research about the latest medical discoveries, some unbelievable inventions (youtube can help with that), an idea that sounds intriguing (you could make that up and explain that it is a thought that you have always had and explain why it impacted your life), or anything of these sorts. Don't go for the standard response if you want to have a better chance of creating a more memorable and impressive statement.