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""Who here will be the best band section?" - UC Prompt #2 A brighter future

DDH35 3 / 3  
Nov 2, 2010   #1
UC Prompt #2 - Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are

Please help edit! Also, this is my first post if I did anything wrong tell me!

Humans are all the same. They eat, sleep, breathe and repeat this everyday of their lives. However, people are set apart by that one characteristic or quality that just shines above all the other ones. The quality that sets me apart is my optimism.


sungkyu1988 1 / 2  
Nov 2, 2010   #2
Humans are all the same. They eat, sleep, breathe and repeat this everyday of their lives. (awkward) However, people are set apart by that one characteristic or quality that just shines above all the other characteristic . The quality that sets me apart is my optimism.

"Who here will be the best section? Take initiative guys(awkward)!" the band director hollered at the executive board meeting. As everyone else in the room felt tense knowing that it would be a difficult task, I knew that I could make this happen. This challenge of achieving the award revolved around getting every member in the section to master their potentials. I was assigned (as the low brass) section leader of the low brass section consisting of three new freshmen and it occurred to me that it was going to be difficult to win the award having three new players. When my junior year began, I dedicated any free hours afterschool to improve my tuba performance skills. and I was making progress quickly, but I knew that one person alone could not win the award. I did not want the freshmen to be the reason that we did not win the award, so I had them join me in these practice sessions. The practice sessions began awkwardly as I would practice for hours, while the freshmen sat there and seemed lost. As the year progressed, the awkwardness fell off, and I told them about the award. They felt discouraged, but I encouraged them that they could be the best section in the band and that I would keep them accountable. Nearing the end of the year, I had seen the progress of these freshmen. They began knowing how to make sound, to knowing how to play music. The hours I had spent in the band room with these kids was (were) rewarded by an award given at the Awards Banquet. The award was titled "Section of the year". There was no question in my mind that we would take home the award which is nice, but it showed my optimism spread to my teammates and it resulted in a positive effect. (rephrase, make it less wordy)

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