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Biggest student volunteer groups; Emory Supplement_Why Emory?

haneom94 4 / 7 1  
Dec 27, 2012   #1
What are the unique qualities of Emory University, and the specific school(s) to which you are applying (Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Oxford College, or both), that make you want to become part of Emory University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified? Please limit your response to 250 words.

Growing up, I have experienced discrimination and loneliness, and I see the world in a different way than many other people. Being raised as an immigrant has broadened my eyes to connect with other people who are also suffering, and I learned to use this connection to not only empathize with other people, but to help them. This desire to help others, along with my dual identity as a Korean and an American, fueled my interest in international relations and community service. So when I found that Emory has one of the biggest student volunteer groups in the nation, my interest in Emory peaked. Reaching out and giving back to the community is a big part of my passion, and Emory's spirit of giving and the way this school's education is based on service to others makes me want to become a part of this University. Even more, it is exciting that the Emory's College of Arts and Sciences offers an Honors Program in the Political Science Department, because this program allows me to conduct my own research in my specialized field. This will personalize my education and make me more independent in learning; my current school focuses on research in math and science, but I have always wanted to expand my education through research. Furthermore, through Emory's principles of serving the community through higher education, I have no doubt that I will truly become a person that contributes to doing good in the lives of the global world.
katev 18 / 120 24  
Dec 27, 2012   #2
discrimination and loneliness, and I see the world in a different way than many other people

you make these sound connected, but they are not necessarily directly related

Emory's spirit of giving and the way this school's education is based on service to other

spirit of giving and the basis of education being service
(this is an odd phrasing)

These are all good reasons!

Home / Undergraduate / Biggest student volunteer groups; Emory Supplement_Why Emory?
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