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Columbia Supplement-Tell what you found meaningful of one of the cultural event/books/etc.

cfen8433 1 / 2  
Nov 4, 2013   #1
I have to write this essay and because I have been to Paris, the cultural event I chose was the Sainte Chapelle Cathedral. I was wondering whether or not this could be a valid topic or if I should just pick something else.

lillilkim 2 / 4  
Nov 4, 2013   #2
It seems like it doesn't need to be a cultural event (or a book) since there is the "etc" on the end of your prompt... And to me that wouldn't be a cultural thing if you just visited the Cathedral. However, I think the main focus here is how you found a certain thing/event meaningful. So maybe you can still write about the Sainte Chapelle Cathedral, just not as a cultural event... this is just my opinion!

If you would be kind enough to comment on my new essay that would also be much appreciated! Thank you :)
ving96 2 / 3 1  
Nov 4, 2013   #3
I don't think it counts as a cultural event..like a convention, concert, lecture, art exhibit, etc. Unless there was some kind of event going on at the Cathedral that day? I wonder if Mass would count?
OP cfen8433 1 / 2  
Nov 4, 2013   #4
But the thing is the prompt that this was asked to draw from talked about exhibits and other entertainment enjoyed this year. I listed a plethora of European museums and churches thinking that was what it meant.
admission2012 - / 477 90  
Nov 4, 2013   #5

This is a valid topic to write on as long as this experience is part of the list you made in part D one of the supplement. - Admissions Advice Online

Home / Undergraduate / Columbia Supplement-Tell what you found meaningful of one of the cultural event/books/etc.
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