Throughout your school life you may have taken a particular course about which you had certain expectation which may not have been met. Describe your expectation and how that course didn't satisfy that expectation
It is quoted by Theodore Roosevelt that " Those who have never been to school can steel from the freight car and those who have been to university can steel the whole rail track. I decide to give my passion a practical shape by acquiring a degree in the field of environment, but later I found that there is not much we can do other than preservation of existing environment. With having less chances to grow in this field and progress in life I decided to switch to one of the most prolific course of study and achieved a successful career ahead.
After graduating from school, I decided to pursue a degree in Environmental Sciences , as I was always fathom fasinated by nature and its ecosystem. To work in this line of career my belief was that degree in environmental science would help. As a result I studied for three years and graduated in Environmental Science. Inspite of having a Master degree in environmental science getting a job was not trivial. Somehow I managed to find a job commensurated with my qualification and it was in the field of recycled waste. I worked there for some time but I never felt satisfied by my profession. Moreover, it was not what I wanted to do or achieve in life. I wanted to work for nature but there were few or no jobs available in that respective area. I was neither happy and satisfied with what I was doing nor there were chances to achieve a lot by working in this field of environmental sciences. In this progressive world, we need to progress in whatever we do, we can't stagnate ourself and lag behind as twentieth century is known for its developments and progress.
Subsequently, I decided to change my field and pursue studies further in different field. As it commonly said that learning by experience is the best way to learn new thing.Hence after learning the whole situation of my career I decided to persue degee in Information Technology and later after graduating I was able to find a very good high paying job on the basis of my qualification. Here I will like to quote a saying by Danis Whitley " Don't think about consequences of the failure. It is just a change in direction to set you straight in the direction of success.
It is ambiguous situation when we decide for our future. There are always risks which we have to go through before succeeding in life. Sometime we take decision which we feel is the best for us, but the end result is not the one we expected. However, it was my passion and imagination that I would be able to work in the field of environment. Eventually I learnt about the pros and cons of this field that I can give my dream a practical shape by working in the field of environmental science, on the other hand I would not have career satisfaction because there was not much to progress in this field. Hence, I changed my thought from my passion to a practical approach in life and changed my area of career. Today I am satisfied with my career and progressing substantially. As my hobby I work for nature, I am a lead volunteer to protect our nature and extinct animals. I also donate and educate people to work and support us in our efforts physically and by their donations.
In the end I would like to end with Nelson Mandela quote that "The Greatest Glory in living lies not in falling, but it lies in rising every time you fall. There always comes moments in life where we feel that we failed but we should not loose our infinite hopes and should keep progressing without getting disappointed.
It is quoted by Theodore Roosevelt that " Those who have never been to school can steel from the freight car and those who have been to university can steel the whole rail track. I decide to give my passion a practical shape by acquiring a degree in the field of environment, but later I found that there is not much we can do other than preservation of existing environment. With having less chances to grow in this field and progress in life I decided to switch to one of the most prolific course of study and achieved a successful career ahead.
After graduating from school, I decided to pursue a degree in Environmental Sciences , as I was always fathom fasinated by nature and its ecosystem. To work in this line of career my belief was that degree in environmental science would help. As a result I studied for three years and graduated in Environmental Science. Inspite of having a Master degree in environmental science getting a job was not trivial. Somehow I managed to find a job commensurated with my qualification and it was in the field of recycled waste. I worked there for some time but I never felt satisfied by my profession. Moreover, it was not what I wanted to do or achieve in life. I wanted to work for nature but there were few or no jobs available in that respective area. I was neither happy and satisfied with what I was doing nor there were chances to achieve a lot by working in this field of environmental sciences. In this progressive world, we need to progress in whatever we do, we can't stagnate ourself and lag behind as twentieth century is known for its developments and progress.
Subsequently, I decided to change my field and pursue studies further in different field. As it commonly said that learning by experience is the best way to learn new thing.Hence after learning the whole situation of my career I decided to persue degee in Information Technology and later after graduating I was able to find a very good high paying job on the basis of my qualification. Here I will like to quote a saying by Danis Whitley " Don't think about consequences of the failure. It is just a change in direction to set you straight in the direction of success.
It is ambiguous situation when we decide for our future. There are always risks which we have to go through before succeeding in life. Sometime we take decision which we feel is the best for us, but the end result is not the one we expected. However, it was my passion and imagination that I would be able to work in the field of environment. Eventually I learnt about the pros and cons of this field that I can give my dream a practical shape by working in the field of environmental science, on the other hand I would not have career satisfaction because there was not much to progress in this field. Hence, I changed my thought from my passion to a practical approach in life and changed my area of career. Today I am satisfied with my career and progressing substantially. As my hobby I work for nature, I am a lead volunteer to protect our nature and extinct animals. I also donate and educate people to work and support us in our efforts physically and by their donations.
In the end I would like to end with Nelson Mandela quote that "The Greatest Glory in living lies not in falling, but it lies in rising every time you fall. There always comes moments in life where we feel that we failed but we should not loose our infinite hopes and should keep progressing without getting disappointed.