What is your "thing"?
What energizes you or engages you so deeply that you lose track of time? Everyone has different passions, obsessions, quirks, inspirations. What are yours?*When does a people is important for people? While I was taking my design course in high school, I recognized the purpose of the architecture as a key element for people's interaction and mobility. However, we can create a building with 30 floors or 250 floors, the most important is its capacity to resolve a determinate society problem. For me, Architecture is a process that involves elements like culture, people, environment, and landscape through a sustainable and inclusive place.
The goal of how exactly is the interaction between people and space, is in the ability to build an inclusive space. For example, When I was walking in Bay of Luanda, I would see people practicing sport activities, looking at the nature, talking with each other or enjoying a book. Those activities are important to enrich the people's knowledge and life and best of all, the Bay of Luanda was a key element to link different people to experience the same moments though a connection to the downtown neighbourhood. when I returned to my community, I cannot enjoy those opportunities. However, I could not have a space to read a book or get together a drawing time with my friends through a calm environment, I created a library project last year with the goal to bring those moments to people in my community. One of the ways was to resolve the problem that in my community, most of children do not have activities outside classroom like play violine or read a book. I brough to my project a space where children can read a book, drawing or play violine. I see projects like that as a key point to increase the social life in my community. I am confident that at Cornell my ideas will be more sustainable and more impactive through a D+EA Minor. Best of all, I hope to be able to respond better to issues in my community through the experiences of the Cornell Connection, with the same purpose of my last practice.
I hope at Cornell to increase my analysis whit design as a decisive element for my projects. Through the practices inside the disciplines like the ARCH Design, and enjoying the Cornell University Sustainable Design (CUSD). But for me, Cornell is not only architecture. I am excited to keep following my love for art in the Art Majors Organization (AMO) and now, sharing and teaching people with my international experiences that I will get in the Cornell Connection.