I am completing common application online and I have difficulty completing a 'school activities' tab. I have to wrtie 'Details&Accomplishments' of each activities but the problem is ONLY 100characters are available.
I wrote about Amneesty International club. And its 'details and acoomplishments' go like this.
"Amnesty International, I did two big projects: Human rights in N.Korea and violation of human rights in China"
this is already over 100 characters; it is 111 characters.
(position held, honor, participation period and approxmate time spent don't need to be included since there are special area for them)
I have no idea what I should write since I can write only 100 characters.
what should be included?
Or do you think it is better to use 'Additional Information area'?
If I use 'Additional Information area', then should I write "see Additional Information area" in the space where 'Details&Accomplishments' should be written?
(Still, what should I write for details and accomplishments?)
look forward your response,
I wrote about Amneesty International club. And its 'details and acoomplishments' go like this.
"Amnesty International, I did two big projects: Human rights in N.Korea and violation of human rights in China"
this is already over 100 characters; it is 111 characters.
(position held, honor, participation period and approxmate time spent don't need to be included since there are special area for them)
I have no idea what I should write since I can write only 100 characters.
what should be included?
Or do you think it is better to use 'Additional Information area'?
If I use 'Additional Information area', then should I write "see Additional Information area" in the space where 'Details&Accomplishments' should be written?
(Still, what should I write for details and accomplishments?)
look forward your response,