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Education, curriculum, liberty, more - Brown University - Why Brown Short Answer

magicdazn 1 / 4  
Dec 28, 2009   #1
Please tell us more about your interest in Brown: Why does Brown appeal to you as a college option? Who or what has influenced your decision to apply? 1000 characters

While the Brown education, the Brown curriculum, the Brown liberty may be reasons why I would choose to go to Brown, the real desire lies in what Brown is. I recall my first experience with Brown during a hotel program. The admission officer at the program spoke passionately about the university and introduced to me a new freedom: the freedom to explore, the freedom to focus, the freedom to take risks, the freedom to fail, and finally, the freedom to succeed, a freedom that I had always dreamed as a part of my own undergraduate experience. Yet what distinguishes Brown even more is the chance to learn in myriad of areas. In Brown, I may pursue my photography interests in the Photo Lab and join the Daily Herald as a photographer, or even partake in the Brown University Lion Dance Team and continue my wish to promote my own culture. Ultimately, Brown offers something simply unique to Brown, and it is this idiosyncrasy of Brown that attracts me. Freedom.

Please give comments! I am hoping to turn this in tonight before I sleep.
Thank you dearly for any assistance.
essayhelp 4 / 8  
Dec 28, 2009   #2
I like it but maybe you should take out some of the Browns. You say Brown 5 times in the first sentence. Also explain more what makes Brown have freedom and what distinguishes it from other schools.

Good Luck
OP magicdazn 1 / 4  
Dec 28, 2009   #3
The thing is, it's only 1000 character.
But I concur with your suggestions completely. What specifics do you suggest? Like, instead of using Brown, what can I replace?
Or where do you feel I can elaborate on freedom?

But thank you so much for reading though!
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Jan 6, 2010   #4
I would use "freedoms" and a dash here:
...and introduced to me new freedoms: the freedom to explore, the freedom to focus, the freedom to take risks, the freedom to fail, and finally the freedom to succeed -- a freedom that I had always...

At Brown, I may pursue my photography interests in the Photo Lab and join the Daily Herald as a photographer, or even participate in the Brown University Lion Dance Team and fulfill my wish to promote my own culture.


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