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'enthusiastic in psychology' - common app: UMich choosing CLAS

gemini61975 1 / -  
Sep 27, 2011   #1
Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (500 words maximum)

University of Michigan's college of Literature, Science and Arts is renowned for its great academic atmosphere and luxuriant headspring of knowledge it provides in science and literature fields. These are the essential factors that the CLSA attracts me. Besides that, the best psychology department is truly a temptation for me.

The psychology department is the most important reason which triggers me to apply for University of Michigan. For many years, I have worked hard towards the goal of being a scientist in artificial intelligence field, especially the decision making part. My objective is to study the decision mechanism which could make robots react more appropriately in unexpected situation. I first knew about Michigan by searching the researches in cognitive study of judgment. Among all kinds of engineering articles, which were flooded with obscure terminology, an article on judgment knowing seized my attention. The article was composed by the Judgment and Decision Lab of the University of Michigan, with the content of opportunistic assimilation. It gave me the hunch of "This is exactly I am interested in". I began to focus my attention to the psychological study of Michigan since then. I am particularly interested in the "Storytelling during Decision Making Project" of Judgment and Decision Lab. Studying how people perceive their situation in accidentally events seems to be unrelated to the artificial intelligence. However, it is definitely contributed to the assimilation of human's and robots' decision making mechanism. Michigan has the best environment of what I am really interested in. The more I know about it, the more I am fascinated by it.

My enthusiastic in psychology is an essential reason for the application, but it's not all of it. The artificial intelligence is more or less related to computer science, thus, it might be a good idea to choose some related course. I was an engineering student when I was in China, and I am now considering taking it as a double major or a minor. I am so pleasantly surprised to find that Michigan has the top computer science education as well. Moreover, courses about humanity and multi-cultures are always appealing to me. I have taken classes of Buddhism, magic in ancient Greek, Religions in East and Hebrew, as I believe all sciences are about human. I often feel pity that I am not able to go further in Hebrew because no advanced course is provided. It is so nice to find that Michigan almost has all of these subjects: Hebrew, Greek and even Sanskrit. University of Michigan is an amazing college, which almost has everything I am interested in, what can I expect more?

Furthermore, Michigan has excellent students, praiseworthy college spirits, colorful extracurricular activities, precious chance to be involved. The University of Michigan's CLAS has everything I am chasing for, how I suppose to not be attracted.
JessEllen 3 / 3  
Sep 28, 2011   #2
The University of Michigan's

These are the essential factors that attract me to LSA.

The psychology department is the most important reason for my applying to the University of Michigan.

It gave me the hunch of "this is exactly I am interested in".

My enthusiastic attitude in the field ofin psychology

The University of Michigan is an amazing college,

The University of Michigan's CLAS LSA

Overall, good job in explaining your interest in Michigan. Good luck!

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