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I felt the inexplicable sense of achievement;Extracurricular Essay (Tutoring )

yycho0426 5 / 13 2  
Dec 29, 2012   #1
It is asking to briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.

My essay is exactly 1000 characters.

Please comment if there are any grammatical errors and weird phrases.

Last year I received a thank you letter from my one of students' mother. Reading the letter of appreciation for guiding her child positively, I felt the inexplicable sense of achievement. Most pleasure of my life comes from the sharing of knowledge with others. So I have been tutoring since I was in 6th grade. Not only teaching school subjects, but also counseling their problems have been enriching my life. When I teach my students, I do not simply teach how to solve problem. I always look for the best method to raise their interest and understanding of the subject. In that process, I often find the efficient way that also helps me. Since any stress and worries affect the studying efficiency, I usually try to counsel any concern of my student. As we talk a lot and find the settlement, I learn the wisdom that benefits my life. I feel great joy when I see the positive result of the students. As I continued tutoring after I moved to the USA, I want to keep my pleasure even at the college.
ding377 1 / 29 2  
Dec 30, 2012   #2
Last year I received a thank you letter from my one ofone of my students' mother. Reading the letter of appreciation for guiding her child positively, I felt the inexplicable sense of achievement. Most pleasure of my life comes from the sharing of knowledge with others. So, so I have been tutoring since I was in 6th grade. (Not only teaching school subjects, but also counseling their problems have been enriching my life.) Not a complete sentence. Maybe "Not only do I teach school subjects, but counseling their problems has also enriched my life." When I teach my students, I do not simply teach how to solve a problem. I always look for the best method to raise their interest and understanding of the subject. In that process, I often find the efficient way that also helps me Help you what? . Since any stress and worries affect the studying efficiency, I usually try to counsel any concern of my student. As we talk a lot and find the settlement, I learn the wisdom that benefits my life. I feel great joy when I see the positive result of the students. As I continuedto tutoringafter I moved to the USAThis part isn't really relevant to the overall idea of tutoring. If you need to cut down on something for characters, then I'd recommend taking this out. , I want (to keep my pleasure) suggestion: continue to do so even at thein college.

Here are a few suggestions. Would you mind looking over my extracurricular response too? Thanks.
Good luck on the rest of your app!
OP yycho0426 5 / 13 2  
Dec 30, 2012   #3
Thank you, it really helps :)
enigma33 2 / 44 3  
Dec 30, 2012   #4
I second all of the changes ding377 made and it is a good essay but this part of the common app is for an activity that you didn't have the chance to talk about in the rest of your application so if this activity is it then go for it. The only reason I brought this up is because there are a lot of people who seem to forget that

Hope I helped! Can you please look over my Uchicago essay?

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