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"I often give people the wrong first impression" -Babson Essay to Prospective Roomate

mhjohnson05 3 / 4  
Dec 31, 2010   #1
Dear prospective roommate,

My name is Matt and I'm taking this opportunity to write you a letter prior to meeting because I often give people the wrong first impression. However, a wrong first impression is not always a bad impression. I'm very personable and make friends easily. Regardless of your interests, I am sure we'll get along. Most of my friends are involved in activities that range from mock trial to football, so it's not hard to find something in common with me. Living with me would be effortless. I'm an organized person when it comes to my school work, but I'm also somewhat neat for a guy despite sharing a room with my two younger brothers. Sports are a central part of my life, so it wouldn't be uncommon to find me watching a game on TV. It's important for my living space to be as relaxed as possible because that's when I perform my best at academics.

The reasons why I chose Babson are simple. Its close distance to Boston was a persuading factor. After all, Boston is one of the best college locations on the east coast, and I loved that Babson offers a small college feel that allows you to travel to a city. Also, Babson's entrepreneurship program has a very strong reputation. The idea of creating and managing my own business was always something I have wanted to pursue, even before I knew of Babson College. Finally, hockey had an influence on my college decision. Hockey is an extremely large part of who I am. I couldn't imagine being a college student as a spectator at a game and picturing myself out there. It simply wasn't something I was ready to give up just yet. Babson College has a well-known ice hockey program and a terrific arena. I felt Babson offered the best combination of my major and my passion.

The thing I am most looking forward to in college is meeting people who I would not normally have the chance to meet. College is a terrific place to meet people from all over the country who have similar interests as you. I'm also looking forward to living on my own for the first time. It's not that I want to escape my parent's household rules, but taking on the responsibilities that arise from college life will prepare me for living on my own after college. Utilizing my spare time in college to do things that I simply couldn't find the time do in my senior year, such as lifting weights, is something I plan on doing. College is obviously a demanding four years, but the down time I couldn't seem to find in high school is very appealing to me.
idive5 2 / 2  
Jan 1, 2011   #2
well organized, but you might want to explain more about the 1st impression you give and why others might think it is bad.

Home / Undergraduate / "I often give people the wrong first impression" -Babson Essay to Prospective Roomate
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