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"Half The Sky" is an inspiring and eye-opening novel; Columbia Sup/ "MEANINGFUL"

silly278 2 / 9  
Dec 28, 2012   #1
HEY GUYS! This is my first post (Yahoooo). however i'm running of time. (It's due on 30 of dec) Anything Helps! Thank You !

Please tell us what you found meaningful about one of the above mentioned books, publications or cultural events.

Born and raised in a community where women and men both enjoy somewhat equal rights without any major discrimination, I was ignorant about the discrimination faced by women in some part of the world. "Half The Sky" is an inspiring and eye-opening novel written by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. The book brought me face to face with the harsh reality of suffering that many women in this world have been going through. The book is about the stories of real women who had endured discrimination and suffering, but despite all the adversity, they kept hope and struggled for their rights and freedom. They are the women who were brutally discriminated and mistreated, but still never gave up their hope and aspiration. I admire their courage, and found inspirations from these real stories. Though I was greatly disturbed and saddened to find such injustice against women even in this modern century, I was equally inspired to fight and stand for their cause. The book further strengthened my passion to work for underserved and discriminated community in this world.

sjmzzz95 7 / 13  
Dec 28, 2012   #2
I'm not sure if "struggled" is the best word to describe their fight for freedom. I think you do a great job of explaining what makes this book meaningful to you, but maybe explain more of how it will impact you in the future (further explain the last sentence)
OP silly278 2 / 9  
Dec 28, 2012   #3
Thanks! now that you pointed it out, "struggle" does kind of weird, i am gonna use a different word instead of struggle. Thanks!

Home / Undergraduate / "Half The Sky" is an inspiring and eye-opening novel; Columbia Sup/ "MEANINGFUL"
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