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It wasn't until I read "Wicked" ; Columbia/ "meaningful" supplement

xamanda 8 / 21 2  
Dec 27, 2012   #1
Very rough draft--I think I don't really like where it is right now. Had a good amount of that terrible writer's block while writing this and it's oh-so clichĂŠ and oddly structured. I feel like it just doesn't stand together as one solid essay. Any suggestions/criticisms/ideas would be very greatly appreciated! Thanks! :) (1464/1500 characters)

Please tell us what you found meaningful about one of the above mentioned books, publications or cultural events. (1500 Characters)

It wasn't until I read "Wicked" that I thought back to L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" and asked myself, "Why do we truly hate the Wicked Witch of the West?" In Gregory Maguire's "Wicked," a novel paralleling Baum's original tale of Oz, Elphaba, later known as the infamous Wicked Witch of the West, is an Animal rights activist (Animals with a capital "A," referring to self-aware animals that talk and act like human beings) fighting against the Wizard's tyrannical rule while avoiding the Gale Force, the Wizard's secret police force that persecutes any political adversaries. "Wicked," though in a fairytale setting, is the most meaningful political novel I've read because it illustrated to me the dangers of ignorance. When watching the classic "The Wizard of Oz" film, do we hate the Wicked Witch because she is truly evil, or because we are told she is evil by Oz's obedient citizens? Do we support the Wizard because he is truly a wonderful leader, or because we hear propagandizing songs praising his supposed greatness? "Wicked" is truly thought-provoking and taught me the importance of educating myself on both sides of an issue. It taught me to question what others tell me in order to form my own opinions. Most importantly, "Wicked" taught me that the general consensus may not always be correct. To me, "Wicked" is an incredibly meaningful political allegory. Through Elphaba's story I learned to stand up for what I believe is right.
Karla281995 6 / 15 1  
Dec 28, 2012   #2
First off, remove the contractions. like I've and such. They're considered informal in essays.

Through Elphaba's story I learned to stand up for what I believe is right.
Make this sentence less of a cliche. Colleges hate typical stories like that. You're story is great though! Justify why you liked Wicked without saying "it made you stand up for what is right. Talk about how it challenges you to be different and to question things.

Good luck!
Hope I helped
P.S you should return the favor
-Karla Valcourt
OP xamanda 8 / 21 2  
Dec 29, 2012   #3
Haha yeah I wasn't satisfied with that last sentence at all, thanks for your input! Also, out of curiosity I didn't find any uses of "such" in my essay. Did you mean another word?
Karla281995 6 / 15 1  
Dec 29, 2012   #4
Oh NO! I meant words like i've and wasn't. Not literally the word "such"
OP xamanda 8 / 21 2  
Dec 29, 2012   #5
OH. Totally misread that! Haha okay good to clarify, thanks!

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