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'Handling one group at a time' - Common App - Evaluate a significant experience

nanoflame 2 / 3  
Oct 14, 2012   #1
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
My first job

During the school holidays, I took up a job at Resorts World Sentosa, one of Singapore's two Integrated Resorts. During that time, an exhibition showcasing a collection of Valentino's dresses was held. Groups of residents from the heartlands would come to the resort grounds to visit the exhibition and I was tasked to attend to them.

In the evenings after work, I would head from the office to the resort grounds to welcome these groups, show them around the place, brief their group leaders and then settle any issues before I left.

It seemed fairly simple - especially when I only needed to handle one group (around forty people) at a time. Some evenings, I had to handle several groups all arriving at once! On one occasion, a tour leader would tell me that they had no tickets for the entry to the exhibition - a vexing issue as the ticketing was handled by another department. Dealing with querulous residents was also diffcult. I had to keep my head low while listening to their complaints and apologise on behalf of whoever made the mistake.

Compounding those problems with my workday averaging ten hours, my first job was definitely far more demanding than what I had expected. However, this experience was definitely an eye-opener. I must be thankful for those I worked with - both colleagues in the corporate office and staff on the resort grounds - for reducing the monotony that I sometimes encountered at work.

Having been enrolled at an elite school during my formative years had shaped and narrowed my view of society - I used to believe that whatever achievements I had was a result of my own effort and that those who couldn't accomplish what I could simply lacked tenacity. Through interacting with others at my place led me to understand that I am a far more fortunate soul then they are. I owe much of my achievements to the environment that I grew up in - my parents, teachers and church - just to name a few.

I found my work strangely satisfying, albeit the fatigue that often plagued me. Being able to help visitors get around and to assist them in the simplest of ways (such as walking with them to a particular location) would evoke the slightest smile on their faces that made me feel that whatever I had done was significant in their lives at that very specific place and point in time.

My parents always encourage me that in whatever I do, achieving the best possible result is not of utmost importance, but placing your best foot forward is. Through my job, I have better understood this principle and been able to apply it to whatever I do. In the future, I do hope to return to Resorts World and continue being a good host to my visitors.

Word count: 470

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
schlotti 2 / 3  
Oct 14, 2012   #2
Great essay! Just a few suggestions:

It seemed fairly simple - especially when I only needed to handle one group (around forty people) at a time. Some evenings, I had to handle several groups all arriving at once! - use a link between these two sentences.

Dealing with querulous residents was also diffcult.: I had to keep my head low while listening to their complaints and apologise on behalf of whoever made the mistake.

I found my work strangely satisfying, albeitdespite the fatigue that often plagued me
OP nanoflame 2 / 3  
Oct 14, 2012   #3
Thank's for the help!

It seemed fairly simple - especially when I only needed to handle one group (around forty people) at a time. Some evenings, I had to handle several groups all arriving at once! - use a link between these two sentences.

Here's my edit:
It seemed fairly simple - especially when I only needed to handle one group (around forty people) at a time. However, things were vastly different when I had to handle several groups all arriving at once!

Does it sound alright now? I can't really think of a way to string the two sentences together..

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