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"meet the challenges in Northeastern" - response to reasons why you want to transfer.

sabs 5 / 8  
Oct 1, 2010   #1
>>Please provide a statement (250 words minimum) that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.<<

During my second semester at my current university, I spent about two months working with the university's Entrepreneurship Society. At first we began at a slow pace, however, on the third session I really got interested. The pace had quickened and theory was translating into action. As members of the group came up with different ideas and a variety of business plans, we were additionally motivated when a corporate sponsor stepped in with a LE 30,000 (USD 5,000) award for the best all-around "small business" proposal. In spite of the hard work and managing time between classes, assignments, and sports, it was a wonderful experience. While meeting new and interesting undergraduates my involvement allowed me to interact informally with professors as well as leading local entrepreneurs. Then and there I realized I wanted to join the ranks of business.

Upon my return to the American University in Cairo for my sophomore year, I learned available BA major do not include Entrepreneurship, hence, my eagerness to look for alternative universities offering such a major. It was time to surf the net. From among the many university websites visited, Northeastern struck me as the perfect candidate. I became captivated by the interaction between students, faculty, and the strong corporate partnerships. The business clubs and organizations on campus such as the Entrepreneurship/Innovators club, the Market club, and the Finance and Investments club, along with NU's International Experience curriculum perfectly match my personal and professional goals. Co-op will also provide depth and exposure to the diverse range of industry sections, which I believe is the perfect way to round up a student for the global community.

Many of my incentives for transferring are almost academic. AUC has provided me with many experiences and friends. Moreover, it made me discover my love for entrepreneurship. Being an American national who grew up in the Middle East my preferences understandably are stateside rather than Europe or the UK.

I have done well with all the challenges that I have experienced in AUC, as my transcripts show. I am convinced I would meet the challenges in Northeastern and put my new skills to the test.

<<<<This is my response to the common app question stated above. I need a thorough edit/touch to this piece to make it perfect for admissions. So please check for any punctuation and or any changes needed. I have made many drafts, however, I need more to make it acceptable and interesting for the admission folks. Thank you>>>>

mea505 - / 265  
Oct 1, 2010   #2
<<<<This is my response to the common app question stated above. I need a thorough edit/touch to this piece to make it perfect for admissions. So please check for any punctuation and or any changes needed. I have made many drafts, however, I need more to make it acceptable and interesting for the admission folks. Thank you>>>>

Hi Taymour!

You are a wonderful writer! I had to make a few changes and corrections, but they were all minor. I wish you a lot of luck with your pending transfer! You seem to know exactly what you want to do!

--Mark :)

During my second semester at my current university, I spent about two months working with the university's Entrepreneurship Society. At first we began at a slow pace,pace; however, on the third session I really got interested.

While meeting new and interesting undergraduates, my involvement allowed me to interact informally with professors as well as leading local entrepreneurs.

Then and there I realized I wanted to join the ranks of businessthe business person .

Upon my return to the American University in Cairo for my sophomore year, I learned that the available BA majors do not include Entrepreneurship,; hence, my eagerness to look for alternative universities offering such a major.major was initiated.

Being an American national who grew up in the Middle East, my preferences understandably are stateside rather than Europe or the UK.

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