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MIT short answers; I'm dominican; cultural backgroung essay

camcustodio05 1 / -  
Jan 5, 2015   #1
Please tell us more about your cultural background and identity in the space below (100 word limit).
(I used the expansion option, that's why its over 100 words)
Note: english is not my native language, so let me know if you find any gramatical mistake.

I'm dominican. My parents are, too. I feel very identified with my origins. I can firmly admit that I was born in the perfect place. There is no place like the Dominican Republic. This is because its culture has been shaped by a fusion of different cultures, which are individually rich in itself. Nowhere else in the world you can find a combination of European, African and Taino-indian cultural traits.

This integration of rich cultures are those that continue to shape the social identity of the current Dominican people. Our culture is special, and is strongly reflected in every aspect of daily life, from tasty meals to the music with catchy rhythms, in other words perico ripiao.

Dominicans are animated people, that always think positively, and are always willing to help others. Politeness is a very important aspect of social interaction.
The Dominican Republic enjoys a tropical climate year-round. I believe its because of this that we are always in a good mood.
The culture of my country is varied and colorful, and so it is our territory whose capital is Santo Domingo, which retains ancient treasures for being the first city in the New World.

As I'm Dominican, I appreciate my roots and customs and I always try to keep them, to endure and expand its wealth.

KrithikaK 1 / 6  
Jan 5, 2015   #2
I like the essay a lot but stylistically I feel that your sentences are a bit choppy so maybe you could combine them?
vangiespen - / 4088  
Jan 5, 2015   #3
What out for your capitalization errors. You have the word "Dominican" written in small letter when the letter D should be capitalized in some sentences. Make sure to double check for spelling errors as well. The essay seems very underdeveloped in my opinion. You seem to be throwing descriptions at the admissions officers without really building up your explanation. They seem like stand alone sentences instead of complete paragraphs. I believe that you can solve that idea development problem by choosing the 2 most vital cultural descriptions of the Dominicans and then develop those cultural traits in paragraph format. You don't need to try to describe all of the Dominican traits. Just the ones that you believe are most important. Then towards the last paragraph, you can try to describe how you embody those two important traits, which makes you a typical Dominican in the eyes of everyone who knows you and are familiar with your culture.

Home / Undergraduate / MIT short answers; I'm dominican; cultural backgroung essay
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