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My mother's depression - personal academic interests relate to your intellectual goals

ahpahf723 4 / 5  
Dec 26, 2008   #1
grammarical fixes/comments and critiques welcome

< In an essay of 300 words or less, write about how your personal or academic interests relate to your intellectual or professional goals>

Ironically, my interest in psychology started with an unpleasant memory: my mother's depression. While my mother was physically and mentally withering away, I could not do anything but quietly stand behind her. Fortunately, her distress eventually got better after one change in her daily routine: consulting with the psychiatrist. Once relieved that my mother was recovering her spirits, I soon found the career, psychiatrist, attractive and began to learn more about this career.

However, in my home-country, people who consult psychologist or psychiatrist have been unwelcomed. The prejudice that only abnormal people consult psychologist or psychiatrist have been deeply rooted in Korea that anyone who goes to consult one's problem keeps it secret from others. Having difficulty understanding the reasons people who try to deal with one's mental dilemma were turned away, I decided to pursue my career wherein this area has been thriving.

It has been almost three years that I have studied in America and learned its different culture, I found myself still strongly interested in psychology. I have been frequently visiting useful websites that I could grasp some information about human behaviorism. I also did my research paper on abnormal psychology at school and learned that the childhood plays an important part in developing a stable mental state.

What I love about the psychology is that it focuses on human mind and tries to find a solution for mental illness that everyone might possess. I want to continue this study not only because I want to help others from their mental problems but also because of the hope that I could find real "me" someday. In addition, since I love to play flute and I appreciate music, I would like to learn and further psychology by applying music. I know that I have a lot to learn in order to pursue my career but since my interest in psychology is not dwindling but rather growing, I am confident that one day I could achieve my goal: a goal that I can help others overcome their distress instead of standing behind.

EF_Kevin 8 / 13059  
Dec 26, 2008   #2
Fortunately, her distress eventually got better after one change in her daily routine: consultinga psychiatrist.

However, in my home-country, people who consult psychologists or psychiatrists have been ostracized .

The prejudice that only abnormal people consult psychologist or psychiatrist has been deeply rooted in Korea that anyone who goes to consult one's problem keeps it secret from others.

It has been almost three years that I have studied in America and learned its different culture, and I find myself still strongly interested in psychology. I have been frequently visiting useful websites from which I could grasp some information about human behaviorism. I also did my research paper on abnormal psychology at school and learned that childhood plays an important part in developing a stable mental state.

What I love about psychology is that it focuses on the human mind and tries to find a solution for mental illness that everyone might possess. I want to continue this study not only because I want to help others from their emotional problems but also because of the hope that I could findthe real "me"some day .



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