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Why Northwestern? It offers a top-tier education with its scenic lakefront campus

khurui 1 / -  
Dec 24, 2015   #1
I'm not sure if this is too generic or not? The word limit is also 300 and I am a bit over, so suggestions for what to cut would also be appreciated. Thank you!

What are the unique qualities of Northwestern - and of the specific undergraduate school(s) to which you are applying - that make you want to attend the University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified? (300 words max)

Like many people, I would like to be able to say that I've known the answer to 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' for a long time. I'd also like to be able to launch into an outline of my ideal career, the steps I plan to take to reach this finish line and how my particular interest has budded from a young age. However, I have realized that is not yet the case.

In freshman year, I joined Key Club and found myself during a district convention; our motto service is service, no matter how small was tattooed into the sulci of my brain. Although I had only just met everyone, my fellow Key Clubbers felt like a community that I had always been a part of. At Northwestern, I can find community agencies tailored to specific causes I wish to give back to, such as the Asian Youth Services and RefugeeOne.

The summer after my sophomore year, I found myself at my local university's Biochemistry lab, shadowing a graduate student and gaining a first-hand look at what my father always meant when he said 'research'. Experiencing this has instilled a new interest in scientific research that I know will be bolstered at Northwestern with its many research opportunities, such as the Program in Biological Sciences Summer Grants or engaging in a specific independent study project geared towards my concentrated interest, Biochemistry.

Everyone knows that Northwestern University offers a top-tier education with its scenic lakefront campus and students that hail from all over and outside the country. However, I want to attend Northwestern with more than just academics in mind. College is a rite of passage that allows you to surround yourself with those who share the same passion and interests as you. I want to be able to discover and truly find myself and what will lead me to my future; these are the unique qualities that I find interest in at Northwestern. Now if only Northwestern will find interest in me!

amounenaitlho 7 / 12  
Dec 25, 2015   #2
Good Job Ill try to help you with it.

I'd also like to be able to launch intohave an outline of my ideal career, the steps I plan to take to reach this finish line and how my particular interest has budded from a young age. However, I have realized that is not yet the case. dont thesaurise things until they are incomprehensible

In freshman year, I joined Key Club and found myself during a district convention; our motto service is service, no matter how small was tattooed into the sulci of my brain. this sentence does not make any sense and I could not revise it for you so try to revise it yourself

THe essay starts really confusing but ends really well. ONe more thing is that you are not properly answering the question. I suggest you rewrite the first two paragraphs by citing exactly what SPECIFIC undergrad school you want to apply to because there are different ones and what SPECIFIC qualities does this program have.
vangiespen - / 4088  
Dec 26, 2015   #3
Wendi, while you wrote a heartfelt essay, you did not really relay the unique qualities that Northwestern University has that appealed to you as a student. You relied mostly on your background as a student and your extra curricular activities at the start of the essay, which had nothing to do with the qualities of the university. So that alone made your essay non-prompt responsive and as such, really not useful to your needs.

Even towards the end, when you mention Northwestern, it does not seem like you had given any thought as to how you can best respond to the prompt. You just rattled off a response that is generic at best, regarding the importance of a college education. That is not the best way to impress the reviewer. You need to revise the content of the essay to contain a more personal approach to the prompt and an explanation as to the qualities that you feel make Northwestern the best university of choice for you. That would best represent the unique qualities of the university that you should be discussing in the prompt.
janet777 1 / 2  
Dec 26, 2015   #4

Same as @vangiespen, I also think your why Northwestern essay could be better if you can add more personal connection with the university or the program. You may come up with some strong reasons to support why it could only be Northwestern instead of other universities. What Northwestern could provide to you and help you to achieve your dream?

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