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"One of my biggest challenges throughout my life was..." - Personal Medical Statement for GKS-U

bvalkyrianzz 3 / 5  
Dec 16, 2022   #1
(I started writing this week, forgive me for any error of sevenness).

Personal Medical Statement

- Motivations with which you apply for this program
- Educational background
- Significant experiences you have had; persons or events that have had a significant influence on you
- Extracurricular activities such as club activities, community service activities or work experiences
- If applicable, describe awards you have received, publications you have made, or skills you have acquired, etc.

For some reason, I've always been exposed to human frailties more than I should. The most vivid memory of my childhood was trying to sleep on the benches of a hospital next to my grandmother, waiting for the results of my mother's surgery. Years later, my grandfather was diagnosed with brain carcinoma, at the same time, my brother was diagnosed with Savant Syndrome. Being in a hospital suddenly became customary, and because I live in this environment and observe proactive doctors working daily, I felt motivated to seek a medical degree.

From an early age, I was educated to perform multiple functions and reconcile with my studies even with the reality so rush that my family possesses, but always being encouraged to prioritize my dreams above all else. Even with the recurring trips to the hospital, the feeling of being challenged to my limit and leading my senses dominated by tiredness was what most interested me in studying. In my free time, I tried to read the books that my mother used in nursing school, such as the "Brazilian Archives of Cardiology", which addresses the guidelines of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiovascular care of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology and "Informatics in Health", by Karen Cardoso. Another I read several times was "Medical Shift: Emergencies and Emergencies" by Alexandre de Oliveira, a book that brings wide content on the various types of emergencies that need to be recognized before specialized help, such as obstetric or gastrointestinal. I found myself intrigued by the countless diseases that affected countless lives, so I continued reading other books to absorb the knowledge of this medium.

The pandemic was a period when I followed health news accurately, realizing how other countries were dealing with the virus. South Korea's response to COVID-19 caught my attention when I read about its risk and damage control and its preparedness for adversity, becoming one of the largest and best-organized epidemic control programs in the world. I then decided to research in depth, from the beginning of its restructuring of the health system to the 2000s to traditional medicine, completely determined to seek knowledge in this country. His criteria in which the accuracy and speed that questions about the patient's life are treated affect the outcome of a treatment or surgery captivated me, and it was known to South Korean medicine that I was able to unravel my purpose: to achieve patient-centered care, meeting their needs with interest, and determine the best effectively and efficiently, which my country does not have.

Being close to the health business, I was able to experience many things. The opportunity to be a pharmacy assistant when I was younger made me responsible for organizing medicines and participating in sales when It was my knowledge. Thanks to this, I managed to achieve greater affinity with medications, distinguish common symptoms and surface my care and communication skills to understand the need of each client.

Then, I majored in the basic courses of "Anatomy", "General Physiology", "Immunology" and "Social Work and Health Practices", to obtain greater knowledge about the area. It was where I learned about the position of bones, muscles, and organs and that their anatomies vary between people of different ages, weights, and genders. I learned about the functioning of cellular, organic and immunological systems and, finally, about the practices of social work and their struggle for the ease of conflicts between the bourgeoisie and the proletarian. It is no exaggeration to say that enrolling in these courses was the best decision to immerse myself in the area in the right way and face my stereotypes about the course I had chosen. My benefits were greater than the diplomas I earned, I was able to acquire knowledge, experience, and especially confidence that I can study more and become a high-level doctor.

One of my biggest challenges throughout my life was caring for an autistic child day after day, given the unpredictability. When my brother crashed by knocking on a glass door, drilling the dermis of his right forearm. It was the first time I witnessed a serious accident so explicitly and, even though I came to despair, I looked for concentration and sought to stop the wound while calling an ambulance. It was the moment I most demanded all the strength myself, wanting to make sure I was doing everything I could while things depended on me. Looking back, I can only feel proud of the person responsible that I was able to be in such a difficult situation and how important it was to recognize my progress as a person.

Given this incident, I've been in a long way to specialize in pediatric surgery. The research in 2020 shows that there are fewer than 2,000 pediatric surgeons in Brazil when thousands of children are waiting for a specialized doctor. Emphasis is needed on this area when the birth rate is so high, which is alarming that there are not enough professionals in this occupation. I intend to broaden my horizons and be able to give a second chance to children who should live the natural cycle of life.

For me, it is vital that a doctor is proactive and interested in the health of others, respects his team, and seeks accurate and effective ways to meet the needs of the patient. Despite the demand for studies and work that the area proposes, this does not intimidate or discourage me. In medicine, I found my vocation and the perception that I will never lose the desire for this area, even with the passing of decades.

I have the determination, obstinacy, and ability to study Medicine at a higher level.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15218  
Dec 16, 2022   #2
The essay comprehensively covers the early prompt requirements. The work experience in particular helps to show related experiences along with your other academic interests. Be careful in referencing your academic exposure though. There isa mistake in the wording of the essay that makes it appear that you have multiple undergraduate courses completed. In which case, you would be disqualified from consideration. Please indicate with certainty if these are work related seminars, community classes, or self taught online courses. The differentiation is very important in this case.

Introduce some of your community engagement activities as well. Let the screener know about your non- academic interests. Do that because this is a personal statement a written interview that will help with the overall assessment of your qualifications as a program candidate.

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