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Why Penn? (because of Warren Buffett)

apm 1 / 2  
Dec 30, 2008   #1
Describe the courses of study and the unique characteristics of the University of Pennsylvania that most interest you. Why do these interests make you a good match for Penn? (7900 characters max)

I want to go to the University of Pennsylvia because Warren Buffett did. No, of course that is not the only reason. John Legend has something to do with it as well. But other than its list of distinguished alumi and its even more distinguished founder, Upenn attracts me because of its excellent libral arts circulum, its vibrant community and its beautiful, historic campus.

It is undeniable that the academics at Penn are far superior to most universities in the world; its excellent liberal arts curriculum puts the icing on the cake. I like that Penn is extremely interdisciplinary. Being able to take classes in any of the undergrad schools would allow me to satisfy my intellectual curiosity in areas like cinema studies and culture & society, as well as build the foundations for my future academic ventures. Penn's academic flexibility which allows students to pursue minors or dual degrees would allow me to graduate with a well-rounded view of the world since I would be able to study economics with other complementary academic programs. Few schools offer both a first-rate liberal arts education and abundant research opportunities but Penn provides its students with both.

Penn is one of the few schools in the world which offer Philosophy Politics and Economics. I am very interested in this major as it would allow me to study not just the financial aspect of economics but the political and ethical side as well. In school, I am the only student taking geography to complement economics and biology together with chemistry, rather than taking only economics or chemistry by themselves. I do so because I believe in a wholesome approach to any subject and it would be (sorry for the cliché) a dream come true if I get the chance to major in PPE in Penn.

I want to join the Penn's performing arts community even more than I want to major in PPE. Of all the universities, students at Penn show the most dedication to the arts and I want to be part of it, I want to contribute. All my life I had been involved in the performing arts, from being part of the band in kindergarden to performing with the chinese dance society in primary school to the choir during my high school years, I have relished every moment of my activities beyond the classroom. These last two years, I gave up choir in favour of the song writing club and the audio visual club, which supports all performing art societies during their performances, though I still perform regularly outside of school. At Penn, I would be able to both study and perform with people who are just as passionate about the arts as I am.

Finally, the factor about Penn that first caught my eye- its magnificant campus. Combining the Gothic architecture of Oxford and Cambridge with the contemporay Philadelphia landscape, it literally brings together the best of both worlds. Having all twelve schools located on a single campus further emphasizes(?) its "one university" concept. Strolling through the exquisite arcitectures would be a unique experience all on its own. I sure would not mind being a nerd if study time is spent within the fine interior of the Fisher Fine Arts Library.

So, please give me a chance to fulfill my dream of reveling in those gothic architecture, having rehearsal in the state-of-the art Platt House and attending that lecture by Professor Thomas Donaldson, just put my application in the "accepted" pile, my fate lies in your hands!

I am not sure if I should say "well-rounded view of the world" in the 2nd para. It doesn't seem to fit the context? Also, should I say "contemporary Philadelphia landscape"? It is regulary described as being historic...

I will further edit the 2nd last para, it sounds quite pathetic at the mo.

Any comment is welcome. Thanks in advance!!
EF_Sean 6 / 3491  
Dec 30, 2008   #2
Some quick thoughts:

It is undeniable that the academics at Penn are far superior to those of most universities in the world,

I believe in a holistic approach to any subject.

"(sorry for the cliché)" Instead of apologizing for it, why don't you take the time to think of something original to say?

"I sure would not mind being a nerd if study time is spent within the fine interior of the Fisher Fine Arts Library." I'd omit this sentence.

"my fate lies in your hands!" Your melodrama finally reaches the point of out-and-out comedy around this point.
OP apm 1 / 2  
Dec 30, 2008   #3
Ok, will be editing :( . Thanks!

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