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'People/cultures'- Personal statement Liberal Arts major in Texas University in Qatar

AbbyZakozk 1 / -  
Feb 26, 2012   #1
Growing up in a house with ten other family members, each with his/her own nature, personality, and perspective, I was able to witness how interestingly different people can be. Discovering and analyzing the nature of everything around me, understanding the human's history and how cultures formed. What caused a certain tradition or behavior to exist in the first place, who and how many people walked on this very same ground we are walking on, and what each of them left behind for us. That's what I'm generally interested in. I plan on studying Liberal Arts at Texas University, from what I heard when I talked to some of the students, and from everything I have learned about Texas University, it seems to me that it is the perfect university and the one that meets my ambitions, because of its rich history, highly admired professors, and its constantly interesting programs.

My choice of A level and AS level subjects helped me quite a lot, Social Studies and English studies both were the ultimate push towards this major. I've studied a lot about the history of both World Wars from Social Studies, what were the causes, the events that took place, how it ended, and the after effects. I also learned about all the definitions of Globalization, what it represented, and its advantages versus its disadvantages. My interest in English Studies is not fresh; for I have been studying it before even entering school and the reason is that my father is an English teacher who also studied English Literature. I shared my fathers the love for English literature, reading almost all the classic novels by famous authors, such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, Margaret Mitchell, and Louisa May Alcott. Furthermore, I read some of the Shakespearian Literature, and I'm also extremely interested in the Arthurian Literature and legends.

This love for English Literature grew up to be something more, as I started becoming fonder of the idea of cultural differences; studying English Literature almost taught me everything about the English culture, so I started diverting my gaze to other cultures. And my choice was East Asia, I'm taking classes for Japanese language in Qatar Eastern Language Center, and I plan on also taking Korean language courses next month. I also enrolled in some of the online language exchanging programs where I exchange my Arabic and English for Korean, Japanese, and Spanish.

Now, being an Arab, and knowing about other cultures, I realize how fascinating, interesting and overwhelming cultural differences could be. I wish to keep on studying other cultures and comparing them with each other, I try as hard as I can to grasp the differences between my culture and others easily and gladly, and to smoothly welcome any differences and adapt easily to others ideas and way of thinking, I also trust that I have great social skills that are most definitely a very important feature to have in order to be able to simply talk and interact with other people from other cultures.

I certainly believe that Liberal Arts major will be extremely helpful in my journey of learning about people in general and their cultural differences. And that it will give me opportunities to meet new people and learn about different cultures.

Jennyflower81 - / 678 96  
Feb 26, 2012   #2
Hi :) Great paper! I can suggest a few changes:

I was able to witness howinteresting and unique people can be. I enjoyed discovering and analyzing the nature of everything around me, understanding the human's history of howhuman cultures formed.

What caused a certain tradition or behavior to exist in the first place? Who and how many people walked on this very same ground we are walking on, and what has each of them left behind for us?

I plan on studying Liberal Arts at Texas University, from what I heard when I talked to some of the students, and from everything I have learned about Texas University, it seems to me that it is the perfect university and the one that meets my ambitions, because of its rich history, highly admired professors, and its constantly interesting programs.

This sentence is way too long, split it up into two shorter, simpler sentences.

Both Social Studies and English studies both were the ultimate pushsubjects that led me towards this major. ("this major"-- you have not yet mentioned it in your paper, so I don't know what major you refer to here)

I've studied a lot about the history of both World Wars from Social Studies, what were the causes, the events that took place, how it ended, and the after effects. I also learned about all the definitions of Globalization, what it represented, and its advantages versus its disadvantages.

Either you need to tie in the purpose of stating these things, or omit this sentence, because it disrupts the flow of the essay at that point. I know what you are trying to do- emphasize your knowledge base- but try to re-word this to make it less choppy.

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