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Pseo Program (PSEO) participation and academic goals (University of Minnesota)

madilla 2 / 12  
Mar 31, 2011   #1

motivation, overcoming, and time management

Explain why you would like to participate in the PSEO program and discuss your academic goals and what you hope to gain from your participation in the program.

University of Minnesota Post Secondary Program (PSEO) stresses three key ideas: motivation, overcoming, and time management. These core concepts work hand in hand enabling a high school student to explore life as a college student. I know I am this person waiting to fulfill my goals as a PSEO student.

I believe as a high school student, I have what it takes to be successful at University of Minnesota. At this school, I hope to be able to explore a variety of topics. I also know that I am present with the opportunity to take any classes I want and be taught by some of the most learned and dynamic professors in the world.

If I were required to pick a major at this instant, I would choose nursing, to care for others and save lives. I would love to learn about the experience, and communication with patients.

I believe that University of Minnesota is the best place to be successful. It is a place where a career in nursing can be fulfilled successfully. This school is also located in a great area where there are many opportunities for students. Overall, I am certain to be successful at this school and hope to be apart of it.

tarjesir 1 / 3  
Mar 31, 2011   #2
You are off to a good start, but you need to expand all of your paragraphs. Keep in mind academic writing calls for 5 paragraphs, 5 sentences in each paragraph.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Apr 3, 2011   #3
These core concepts work hand in hand enabling a high school student to explore life as a college student. I know I am this person waiting to fulfill my goals as a PSEO student.

I think these sentences should be revised so that they do not just say general things... revise them to say something specific about your mission... what are you determined to do?

I believe as a high school student, I have what it takes to be successful at University of Minnesota. At this school, I hope to be able to explore a variety of topics. I also know that I am present with the opportunity to take any classes I want and be taught by some of ...----This paragraph is too general, too. I want to see some specific examples of the subjects that interest you most. What are some of the careers you have in mind? Look to the future, and meditate on your interests.

And if you want to say something nice about the faculty, you should say something specific about a particular faculty member whose research/writing you admire.


You have great enthusiasm!

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