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julia_stn7 2 / 4  
Sep 11, 2022   #1

language STUDY PLAN

Language Study Plan o Study plans to improve Korean/English language ability required for taking a degree course before and after you come to Korea.

Before coming to Korea I had dedicated my free time to learning basic Korean grammar and vocabulary. In 2019 I learned to read and write Hangul out of curiosity. I installed free Korean learning apps like Duolingo and Naver Papago which provided interactive and beginner-friendly levels. It helped me build a strong Korean base as it had both visual and audio learning options which helped me learn Korean words and phrases with ease. In addition, I also made sure to spend a minimum of 5 hours with a ten-minute break between each hour for learning Korean grammar and vocabulary from YouTube every morning during my summer vacation. I took notes in points, made flashcards on topics I had trouble learning, and made mind maps to make learning Korean fun and easy. (mind maps: a diagram in which information is represented visually, usually with a central idea placed in the middle and associated ideas arranged around it.) Taking ten-minute breaks between my strict 5-hour Korean learning schedule made me less likely to burn out from exhaustion and I felt refreshed and excited to learn every time I came back from a break.

Making Flashcards helped me to refresh my memory on previous topics I had learned and to link and study grammar rules which otherwise I would have found confusing to learn without understanding the context. I am going to follow the same study techniques and materials to improve my knowledge of both the Korean language and my microbiology course. One of my hobbies is singing, and Korean songs caught my attention. I used to write down lyrics in Hangul and practice singing. This helped me to increase my speed while reading Hangul. Reading books is also one of my hobbies. Once I reach a point in my language course where I can read and understand the language, I would prefer to read one Korean book per day to further improve my Korean. I am confident in my English speaking and writing skills. I developed a hobby out of reading books from a very young age and had read over six to seven novels over my 2022 summer vacation alone. I read books every night and I believe this had a huge positive impact on widening my English vocabulary. I went to an English medium school and being able to communicate with my peers and teachers in English for over 14 years of my life had also played a huge role in developing my skill in the language. Upon arriving in Korea, I will dedicate my time to learning the Korean language and familiarizing myself with the culture. Since Korean culture is similar to my culture in regard to respecting elders, I love the culture. By watching Korean news and documentaries in the Korean language, I would like to expose myself to the culture, update myself on current topics, and utilize it to expand my knowledge of the language.

Upon arriving in Korea I would dedicate my first year to studying the Korean language and culture. During my quarantine, I would invest a majority of my time in studying Korean from pdf files including 'TOPIK in 30 Days' and 'TOPIK Essential Grammar 150' by Kim Joo Yeon. I plan to spend the winter and summer vacation of my language year traveling around Korea and learning more about the country's culture while participating in community work. I will make sure to participate in every cultural activity available. Furthermore, I would also put into practice all the learning I would have during the language training years. I would participate in language exchange programs where I could learn Korean by conversing with Koreans and would in return teach them English.

My goal is to get TOPIK level 4 or higher within 5-6 months. From 2022-23 I will go to the library to study. Surrounding myself with people who are busy studying makes me less likely to divert my attention from my work and also motivates me to concentrate on my studies. I meditate daily for a minimum of ten minutes as doing so had helped me in my past to reduce stress and anxiety caused by overworking myself. It had also helped me increase my concentration. Similarly, exercising, journaling, and walking short distances also helped me increase my productivity. These are some practices that I had implemented into my daily routine since I was a high school student and I had been following it religiously, making sure not to miss a single day unless I had a busy schedule or I had been down with a fever.

When pursuing my language course in Korea, I would be active in class. I will not miss a single day of classes unless I am ill. Additionally, I would practice what was taught in class every day for 8 hours so that I can clear the TOPIK level 4 as soon as possible. I would visit the I would create study groups with friends so that we can learn Korean together and clear each other's doubts. I would participate in the language exchange clubs at my university. In this way, we would not only be helping the other person but would also be learning in the process. I would listen to Korean podcasts on Korea's current affairs, microbiology, or Korean culture, watch Korean documentaries on microbiology and Korean history, and would read Korean newspapers daily to further my knowledge.

My goal is to clear TOPIK level 5 by the end of my language training program. I would achieve this by disciplining myself and following daily study goals that I would set for myself religiously. I would spend 8 hours daily with a 10-minute break between each hour of my study sessions. This is to avoid possible burnout and stress caused by studying continuously with no break. Furthermore, I would write down words or grammar points that I find difficult on sticky notes and stick them on my study desk so that I can revise them every time I sit down to study. Even after my 1-year language course, I would continue to study Korean so that I could achieve level 6. I would buy TOPIK practice books and practice previous year's question papers which would help me learn frequently asked questions and important portions of the syllabus from an exam point of view. I would set a timer and solve previous year's TOPIK papers to increase my speed and reduce exam anxiety. I would borrow notes made by my seniors who had previously attained TOPIK 6. I would read Korean newspapers daily. This would not only help me improve my speed of reading but also stay updated on current topics in Korea and to also understand more about the culture.

If there is a portion of the syllabus that I would find difficult to learn I would ask my teachers or peers for help. Once I reach a level in my Korean language course where I could read and understand Hangul at a decent level, I would watch movies in other languages with Korean subtitles too. Since Korean grammar is similar in structure to my mother tongue Malayalam, I can quickly grasp its concepts. Thus, I would link the sentences I am learning to my language and learn them easily rather than in English.

One essay per thread.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15153 4857  
Sep 12, 2022   #2
Before you insult the reviewer as you insulted me by thinking I do not know what a mind map is, I strongly suggest that you remove that definition in parenthesis from this essay. What you think may be useful information in this case only shows a condescending mindset in relation to the reader, which could create a negative impression of the writer in the mind of the reader. I do not care who you meant that definition for or why you placed it in the paragraph, just take it out. Be mindful and respectful of the status of the reader.

Once I reach a point in my language course where I can read and understand the language

This is a misleading statement. The overall message from the essay so far is that you are far more proficient in Hangul than just a basic or intermediate learner/speaker. In fact, based on the strict learning schedule you followed, I am wondering why you have not written this whole essay in Hangul instead. All the implications are that you are more than prepared to attend Hangul based language classes, even without a TOPIK assessment. I am suggesting that you lessen the claim that you quickly grasp learning concepts or a language because that is simply not true based on the rest of the information you have provided. Be honest about your actual learning skills and abilities. of your message since you are not confident enough to write your application essays in Hangul which would make you a shoo in for the scholarship.

Since English is not a problem for you, there is no need to reference this in the essay. You are proficient enough in this language to not need additional language training. You do not need to spend too much time explaining your English language learning background since the subjects will be taught in Hangul throughout your academic stay. \

The language study plan is sound. However, it would be far more impressive and boost your chances if you wrote this essay in Hangul instead due to your claims of easily grasping a language. Show confidence in your Hangul self learning style, write the essay in Hangul and get that scholarship immediately. Just make sure you can speak and write in the language properly.
mylife1234 2 / 2  
Sep 12, 2022   #3
actually, i think you really messed up this study plan. they will not care how you followed the strict method in the past, as you say, you will certainly follow this method in the future but i think you should make it shorter in the past and write it as a present of future plan. moreover, you should make your study plan clearer. this is like the essay not a logic study plan since the way you demonstrated it, too many letters . you should set a date first, next is the method or target or opposite

Home / Undergraduate / I quickly grasp the learning concepts; GKS UNDERGRADUATE STUDY PLAN - PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
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