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Returning to college at the age over 40 - how would this education change your life?

gder27 1 / 1  
Jan 29, 2009   #1
A start need some ideas how to bring it fruition Thanks

My dream of returning to college became short-circuited; financial shortage, an early marriage, ensuing pregnancies, and other factors interrupted my educational progression. In spite of these factors, my dream did not die; it lied dormant in the midst of the hope that someday, somehow, the opportunity to continue my interrupted education will arise. Continuing my education as an adult is different from my earlier college years, however, because there are new factors that impinge upon me: juggling a family and a job, the financial pressures, and my fear of going back to school are just a few.

The good news is that Empire College makes it easier, and going back to school is within my reach today more than ever before. Statistically I am one of the major trends that have been the return of adults over the age of 40 to colleges and universities. My returning to school holds the great promise for activating the dormant dream, living it, and fulfilling it. In my cases, I would like to have a white-collar career rather than a blue-collar job. Currently I employed as an administrative assistant at a small nonprofit environmental education center, part of my job responsibility is to update our website, updating and maintaining marketing materials and the databases. I petitioned my executive director to launch an eNewsletter to lessen our paper usage and to expand our client base. My hope is to refine these talents through courses at Empire College to advance to the development and marketing department. Eleanor Roosevelt once wrote, "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." I am not a superhero or social activist I have an idea of what I want out of life. Fortunately, this is the time in my life when I get to take the lead; I get to decide what you want out of it.

EF_Sean 6 / 3466  
Jan 29, 2009   #2
Most of your essay at the moment focuses on your past. This is interesting, but the prompt really asks you to talk more about the future. So, maybe you should elaborate more on how a college education would help your career. Also, how do you think the college experience would be different for you than for a teenager?
EF_Kevin 8 / 13150  
Jan 29, 2009   #3
You have to speculate a little bit about the great, meaningful change that will come about as you progress toward this degree and after you succeed. I think your story is heartwarming and inspirational... and although it is true that, as Sean said, this focuses on the future, a "change" involves contrasting past against future. The material you have here is great, and you should use it as the second paragraph of the essay. Right now, write a third paragraph by telling what CHANGE you expect to result from this process. Then, write a very brilliant and reflective conclusion paragraph. Finally, go back and write a powerful intro paragraph that grabs the reader's attention!

Does that seem right? You seem like a good communicator, not surprising considering your profession. I hope you have a great experience in school! :)
EF_Sean 6 / 3466  
Jan 29, 2009   #4
Note that the topic, as phrased, can be taken in two different ways. It could either ask you to talk about how having a college education would change your life, or merely how attending college would involve a change in your routine. If you can't think of what to write for one interpretation, you can always try the other.
serendipity123 3 / 5  
Jan 30, 2009   #5
I think you need to make it more personal and make your essay more related to the college you're applying.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13150  
Feb 24, 2009   #6
n spite of these factors, my dream did not die; it lied dormant in the midst of the hope that someday, somehow, the opportunity to continue my interrupted education will arise.

In my cases , I would like to have a white-collar career rather than a blue-collar job.

Currently, I'm employed as an administrative assistant at a small nonprofit environmental education center, part of my job responsibility is to update our website, updating and maintaining marketing materials and the databases.

I am not a superhero or social activist, I have an idea of what I want out of life.

Fortunately, this is the time in my life when I get to take the lead; I get to decide what I want out of it.

You did a great job of fixing this up! Good luck in school.

EF_Sean 6 / 3466  
Feb 24, 2009   #7
"My dream of returning to college became short-circuited;"

"it lied dormant" No, it "lay" dormant. There are three verbs that are easily confused: "lay" which conjugates "lay, laid, laid", "lie" (in the sense of to lie down) which conjugates "lie, lay, lain," and "lie" (in the sense of to tell an untruth), which conjugates "lie, lied, lied." You want the second of these verbs, in the past tense, which is "lay."

Use parallel structure: "part of my job responsibility is to update our website, maintain our marketing materials, and look after our databases."
OP gder27 1 / 1  
Feb 24, 2009   #8
Thanks everyone you guys are the best : )...fingers crossed
TB_1588 1 / 2  
Feb 27, 2009   #9
I think this is great that an adult is heading back to college!

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