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SAIC application - Artist Statement

spidernovna 1 / -  
Feb 26, 2020   #1
Hello! This is my first proper artist statement that I've written and it's for an application to the school so some feedback would be great. - Here is a pdf from them that I followed for the outline: saic.edu/sites/default/files/Artist%20Statement.pdf

Your statement should tell us about you and your art-making.

Include information about what inspires you. What does your artistic process look like? Share why you are interested in utilizing certain materials, and in which exhibitions you have participated. How have other activities or experiences contributed to the making of your work?

Within my years of being in a multitude of art classes throughout school, I've learned that I like to play with various media. I've tried cross-stitch, embroidery, jewelry making, paper crafts, and more. However, I am always consistent in illustration and drawing. My process has always been quite messy and I'm what you may call impulsive. If I think of a piece I really want to do, I almost always start it right away. There are times, however, that I will sit and think it through, plan the composition, or color palette thoroughly before beginning. Even if my process is messy and quite jumbled, I always finish as I'm also a perfectionist. Which is why you might not be able to tell how messy I am based on my artwork.

My favorite mediums are colored pencil and graphite, though I do some work in watercolors, marker, and charcoal to accompany the others. My work usually consists of still lives and portraits; at the same time, I play with color. This can be seen in a lot of my pieces, with bright and contrasting colors, but mostly seen in my portraits where I don't use any "natural" skin tones at all. I feel that the colors bring out amazing value, contrast, and emphasis on the human body and human anatomy has always fascinated me. Within my work, I combine some of my favorite aspects of art: color theory and the human form.

A big influence on my artwork would be my high school art teacher. I had classes with her all four years of high school and she really pushed me to see my true potential. Entering high school, I was unsure if art was something I truly wanted to pursue and only did it as a little hobby; my teacher encouraged me to take AP Studio Art and I was incredibly intimidated by this. In the end, I was in AP for two years and I had entered with little knowledge of how to use my skill but left creating photorealistic portraits. In that class, I wasn't shown how to do art, I was pushed to learn myself; I was encouraged to make every piece better which honed my technical skills by the end of it. I still visit my teacher today and she is very important to me and she inspires me to continue creating as well as reach for my dreams.

If you look at my portrait of a girl's hips, which I named Youth, you can truly see how I explore color and the human body. I isolated a part of the human body and altered the colors, using a complementary palette of yellows, oranges, purples, and deep blues for the shadows. The hips are done in Prismacolor colored pencils to achieve a smooth blend of the values, then cut out and pasted on top of a watercolor wash to complement the color scheme. I am constantly thinking of new pieces that are coherent with this idea and execution. At the same time, I still love to explore art and love to expand on my skills and artworks. SAIC is a great fit for me because I am able to explore different styles of art and continue to grow as an artist.

  • The piece I reference in the last paragraph

  • another portfolio piece - my concentration
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Feb 27, 2020   #2
This is a very strong essay unto itself. However, it lacks one important aspect. You have spoken of any shows you have participated in. Even as an AP student I am sure that someone as talented as you would have been invited to display your art work. I believe you might have overlooked that aspect of the presentation because of your focus on describing how you do art and what materials you are interested in. Please make sure to address that part in the essay. It is more of a requirement than you last paragraph which describes your art pieces. That is a totally unnecessary paragraph at this point.

The art presentation discussion is important because the reviewer would like to know about how other people view your work. If they are impressed by it and why. If not, then explain what points you learned you have to improve upon based on the show. Remember, artists are not perfect. They are constantly honing their skills and presentations. The reviewer would also like to learn about how you handle such reviews of your work. He doesn't want to read just about praises and perfectionism. He needs the full picture in order to be properly informed about your potential as a student. He needs both the good and bad reviews.

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