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SCAD - Statement of Purpose - Illustration Major (does it fit requirements?)

abbychristine 1 / -  
Oct 28, 2012   #1
The statment of purpose shoud be no more the 500 words and should give an overview of the applicant's academic and personal experience, describing peperation for and commitment to further study at SCAD, as well as eductional and professional goals and aspirations.

Ideas are not just words: they are the elusive wisps in our minds, the smoke we try to grasp yet, alas, cannot; however, ideas are the most powerful influences an artist will ever discover. An idea! The astounding light within a mind that draws a musician to his instrument, a writer to her paper, or a painter to his easel; it is the inspiration that compels each artist towards his or her passion.

Think of all the talented people whose great schemes have impacted the world. They are nothing without their devotion. They are nothing without some sort of hunger or drive. Ability has the potential to be wasted by those without inspiration, and that is something I desire to change.

I want to enliven pure humans and cultivate their inspiration. I want them to tap into themselves and get to know their muses. I want them to release raw ideas and feeling into the hearts of those who would be touched by it. I want them to open their glittering eyes and notice the beauty that is often overlooked.

I'd always had a feeling that a mundane office job was not for me. The idea of being trapped with the ever-shrinking walls of a cubicle horrified me and still does to this day. After years of lessons, art camp, dual enrollment courses, and practice, I know what I want to do. I know what makes me happy, and I know what makes the best side of me stand out. What I want to do is make art. I am always creating stories inside my head, and what I really need is a way to turn the intangible, my dreams and ideas, into something concrete. I know that I could accomplish this by majoring in illustration. By doing so, I hope to prepare myself for a job I love doing, to learn to express myself, and to provide inspiration to others in the process.

I cannot imagine a world without a whimsy, a world without a devout poem to read in the stillness of midnight, or a world without a painting to marvel at while visiting a museum with a loved one. These concepts are even more vital to us than most realize, and I want my visual creations to enlighten those who don't recognize that. I yearn to promote self-discovery within an individual, and to find a niche for myself that I could also share with others.

When the time comes to further my studies, I have a desire to work towards that goal, and I crave the critiques of other innovational artists like myself. Until then, I will spend my time creating, pursuing, and changing. My heart is intent on leaving a mark, and I hope to learn as much as I can and pass it on to others as well. There is no doubt in my mind that SCAD is the ideal place to do just that.
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Nov 9, 2012   #2
Ability has the potential to be wasted by those without inspiration, and that is something I desire to change.---This is a really good point.

I've always had a feeling that a mundane office job was not for me.

The idea of being trapped within the ever-shrinking walls of a cubicle horrified me and still does to this day.

By doing so, I hope to prepare myself for a job I love doing , to learn to express myself, and to provide inspiration to others in the process.


Home / Undergraduate / SCAD - Statement of Purpose - Illustration Major (does it fit requirements?)
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