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(major in illustration) SCAD Statement Of Purpose evaluation

chairston 1 / -  
Feb 8, 2011   #1
I"m applying to SCAD to major in illustration, a statement of purpose is required. How would you evaluate this? All opinions accepted

To whom it may concern, I'd like to start by saying my name is ___________ I was born in a small town called Martinsville located in Virginia. I'm currently a senior at Milton High School. During my high school career I always wondered where I would be going with my life as the end of my high school days approached so quickly, I began to worry. None of the universities my friends were going to seemed appealing to me, I never liked the idea of going to a traditional university to major in business, only to graduate the college and struggle with finding a job, in a field that so many of the same people you went into high school with are trying to find also.

The image that dawned on me when thinking of life after a traditional university would be a typical office job, working within four walls that become incredibly mundane after working there for several years; these walls would seem to become a prison. I made an early decision that when I chose a college, it would be one that would give me a job that I would actually enjoy, so that even if I worked there for several years it would seem as if I had never worked a day in my life, as most people who enjoy their jobs describe the experience.

I aspire to go to SCAD to further myself in illustration, which will be the major I plan on entering SCAD with. When I was younger I would always watch cartoons, which is expected from a child; but even now as a young adult I still have a special place in my heart for cartoons. Watching cartoons as much as I did, made it imminent that I become curious of how they were made. As I grew older I did my research on classic animation and found it interesting. The traditionally animated way of creating cartoons is quickly being overshadowed by new technology, making almost any cartoon easily created with computer animation. I feel that coming to SCAD and having the opportunity to explore and study both, I will be able to achieve my dream of creating the cartoons that I've loved for so long.

Throughout high school I made somewhat average grades, even though I was more than capable of doing better. I had a lack of interest in most of the fields the school system were preparing us in. I felt as though we were machines being built for a factory, instead of being individualized people. The areas I had the most interest in were the arts, which I paid most attention in because I enjoyed how I could rebel from tradition in many ways through artistic expressions. I know for a fact that if I were accepted into SCAD, that even if I were given a difficult project, I would still work on it to the best of my ability. This being because I know SCAD would be preparing me for my dream job, and any type of work that may seem strenuous, would only benefit me towards this.

I recently heard about SCAD from my peers who often mentioned the school when I would speak of my preferences, I started looking up information on the school as well as others and decided that SCAD would be a perfect place for me to go to further expand my mind creatively. Art school was always something I'd love to do but I would always hear from others that there aren't many fields in art that you could excel in. I feel as though people who go to art schools and graduate aren't seen as successful as those who graduated from a traditional college or university. Because I was so determined to go through with becoming an art school student, I began going to events SCAD has offered. By attending these events, I found that the different locations that vary widely in location are all very determined to shed the "starving artist" image many people cast upon a current, or graduating art student.

I feel as if the fast paced schedule they have for their students wouldn't be a problem for me because of the passion that I have in art. The "work" assigned would be turned into more of an activity for me. If you're doing something you love in an environment where they embrace it, then what you're doing should be considered work in the least. This is the motto that I hope I am able to live by while, and after attending the Savannah College of Art and Design.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Feb 10, 2011   #2
You have a runon sentence right here:
During my high school career I always wondered where I would be going with my life as the end of my high school days approached so quickly, I began to worry. ------That has to be split into 2 sentences. But actually, I think maybe this intro should be cut from the essay.

None of the universities my friends were going to seemed appealing to me, I never liked the idea of going to a traditional ...
The image that always dawned on me when thinking of life after a traditional university would be a typical office job, working within four walls that become incredibly mundane after working there for several years; these walls would seem to become a prison. ---This was another runon sentence, so I added a semi-colon to fix it. I really think you should scrap the first paragraph and start with this one. This paragraph is great!

I made an early decision that when I chose a college, it would be...---great, this stuff resonates with everyone.

I recently heard about SCAD through word of mouth from my peers who often mentioned----eliminate unnecessary words.

I think you should cut a lot of the content that tells about wanting a job you like and instead assume the reader knows you want a job you will like, and use these paragraphs to focus on your specific interests and aspirations... more about your artistic interests and your intentions. :-)

Home / Undergraduate / (major in illustration) SCAD Statement Of Purpose evaluation
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