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"School literary magazine" - Extracurricular short answer

fc barca 4 / 19  
Dec 28, 2010   #1
Blazers at my school have a negative connotation; most simply endure the unsightly blue garments with a moan and a groan. But for me "The Blazer" meant the school's lit mag, and one of the best parts of my high school experience. When I submitted my first piece in grade 9 I was so shy that I published it under a pseudonym, Hope U. Lovett. By the first term of grade 10 I had submitted 3 pieces, all published under my name. My active participation and enthusiasm earned me a spot as The Blazer's only junior editor, and in grade 12 I was promoted to senior editor. I've grown a lot through the Blazer, not only as a writer but as a team leader. I have learned when to praise and when to critique, when to get involved and when to step away, all in order to get the best out of every writer and ensure that they are truly proud of their final product. Making sure everyone is satisfied is definitely challenging, but only when other writers are happy with their work can I be happy with mine.

richardaddo 1 / 12  
Dec 28, 2010   #2
I think it would be much better if you could further explain why by grade 10 you had submitted 3 pieces under your real name. How come you were not shy anymore. Maybe you could say that the acclaim you received for your first piece completely dispelled your shyness.

I think it would be much better this way. I've grown a lot through the Blazer, not only as a writer. While I tried to get the best out of every writer in my capacity as the leader, I learned when to praise and when to critique, when to get involved and what to step away.

Maybe you could find a better way but I believe mine is much better.
questioner03 3 / 4  
Dec 28, 2010   #3
"The Blazer" means the school's lit mag"
"grade 10,"
"I've grown a lot through "The Blazer", not only as a writer, but as a team leader."
I have learned when to praise and when to critique, and when to get involved"

The last sentence is worded a little bit weird.

Otherwise, this is a great essay! :)
rayban11 7 / 24  
Dec 28, 2010   #4
i would change "lit mag" to literary magazine.

overall, i think its a great piece and i think it's adorable you used "hope u lovett" it really makes your personality spark. however, i would focus a little bit more on the details. make it more engaging. show, not tell :)

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