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'studies, sports or other things' - Tell about a personal character

tonydengcnu 23 / 17  
Nov 25, 2008   #1
I am ready for challenge in studies, sports or other things. For example, though I was not skillful at basketball and neither were my teammates, all of us could turn defeat into victory because we always could score some crucial shoots. In my studies, when I come across some tough questions, I will persist and consider them again and again until I find the solution. Such a persistence turns out to be a valuable asset to my growth and future development.

Persistence leads to my excellent performance in various aspects. Magic cube is one of my favorite pastime but I was not able to play it well. I even participated in a magic cube .competition. I failed in the preliminary test but I did not give up. I bought Secret of Magic Cube and taught myself diverse effective skills. I kept practicing whenever I am. I become fascinated in this game and my skills improved greatly. After several weeks' efforts, I am a master of magic cube.

From this experience, I draw several lessons. Firstly, confidence and interest can lead to enthusiasm and success. Secondly, it takes great courage to move the first step forward. Facing uncertainty, apprehension is evitable but as long as you enter into the domain, you will open a new world. Last but not least, calm and fertile brain is of great importance. In short, as long as I persist regardless of difficulties or challenges, I will achieve the final success.

OP tonydengcnu 23 / 17  
Nov 25, 2008   #2
Dear Gloria,
Can you tell me the difference between "thrifty" and "frugal", and "uncover" and "disclose"? thanks!

EF_Team5 - / 1585  
Nov 25, 2008   #3

There really isn't any difference between thrifty and frugal; they both mean to be cheap or to not like to spend a lot of money.

Uncover and disclose essentially mean the same thing as well, but their connotation is different. For example, one can uncover a mystery, but it is up to a company to disclose their tax forms.

I hope this helps!

Moderator, EssayForum.com
EF_Team5 - / 1585  
Nov 25, 2008   #4
In regards to the above piece, watch your random capitalization and excessive use of the period; make sure you are properly using it. Also, "pastime" should be "pastimes."

In regards to content, I think it's a good piece. You describe this character trait well, and explain how you have used it in your life.

Moderator, EssayForum.com

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