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'Studying in India' - PENN - Unique Aspects and contribution

saujla 2 / 5  
Jan 1, 2012   #1
Required for all applicants: Considering both the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying and the unique aspects of the University of Pennsylvania, what do you hope to learn from and contribute to the Penn community?

Throughout the summer, I was surrounding by phrases and objects that I thought belonged to science fiction: 40 meters long world's most sensitive laser interferometer, sodium iodide crystal, dark matter, and 1100 volts supply. I had finally found my niche: research. I felt empowered and inspired by the true challenge and excitement posed by my research projects during my time at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. I am even more excited at the prospect of joining Through SEAS's Rachleff Program, I can elect in an extensive research experience at one of the research facilities. With Penn's top-flight research faculty and blend of theoretical and rigorous approach in higher level courses, I will be able to continue my research in dark matter while working closely with Prof. Mark Trodden at the Center for Particle Cosmology. This will allow me to assess my interests and potential in pursuing research at the graduate level, and complement my physics interests.

Jobs, experience, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences (SEAS) has it. SEAS will also offer me to participate in Co-Op programs. Unlike other schools, Penn's location and strong ties with corporate companies such as General Motors and Boeing make these opportunities distinguishable. Every year SEAS successfully attracts a diverse group of about 410 individuals filled with motivation and desire to work hard. In this small hand-picked community, SEAS is not just an academic learning center; it is an ideal learning community.

Studying in India, my curriculum was mostly decided by the government. I could not take any optional classes; I had no say in what I want to learn but I have always been a curious person. Penn's curriculum encourages learning about such a diverse set of subjects would introduce me to all sorts of new ideas that would further encourage my spirit of intellectual inquiry. I would be able to take philosophy and Spanish classes while pursuing electrical engineering. The Core will also integrate me with all Penn students, no matter what their major, in the pursuit of shared knowledge.

Last but definitely not the least, the multiplicity of extra-curricular activities at Penn amazes me. Penn caters to the interests of all students and allows one to set up an interest club or society easily. The student body at Penn is the epitome of a cultural mosaic, a global microcosm. Each individual carries a unique fragment, making the entire population a conglomerate of talents. As I believe in an all-rounded education, non-academics are as important to me when considering Penn as my choice of university. The clubs and organizations are where I can learn and contribute my skills. As the student leader of a Woodride Food Pantry, I wish to learn from Penn's existing clubs and promote charity projects with my fellow students. I can continue my mission to help my community and home, which would then be Pennsylvania. Through organizations such as Habitat For Humanity to continue my volunteering endeavors. Due to the large South-Asian population, I was amazed by that fact that Penn does not have a Bhangra team. At Penn, I will create Penn Bhangra in order to sustain my identity with all others who would join and continue dancing competitively.

I wish to attend the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Penn because it is the perfect place for me to pursue engineering from a liberal, design-oriented perspective, with a perfect combination of wide range of extracurricular offerings that would make it easy for me to stay active in the community.

Please let me know how this is, what content is good/bad, grammar (I'm not the greatest..), and anything else you feel like sharing. Thank you!

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