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"If time travel were possible..." - help with this essay

kr2426 3 / 2  
May 21, 2008   #1
If time travel were possible, to what time period and place in history would you return to live? Give reasons for your decision to live in this period and location.

If I could travel through time to any period and place, I would choose the Independence Era in British India. The reason I would choose this time period is because it shows the resilience of the humankind.

"Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit." Bern William's once said, and I believe this to be very true. It amazes me that that in the midst of great overwhelming sorrow such great people have not only been born but still influence people today with their courage and perseverance. Look at Gandhi. Even though he held no official or political position he managed to bring the British Empire to its knees, all through his great moral courage and perseverance.

As we read through our history books, we are transformed, at least temporarily, by the inspiration of such courage, and moved by such incredible acts of service and character. And it would be incredible to experience this for myself.

Please let me know what you think. The word limit is 250.
EF_Team5 - / 1585  
May 21, 2008   #2
Good morning!

Ok, let's see; how about this:

"...choose this time period is because it shows the resilience of the humankind." "...choose this time period because it shows the resilience of mankind."

"Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit." Make sure you cite this quote; as it is in quotation marks it should be followed by the author's last name and a page or paragraph number.

"As we read through our history books we are transformed, at least temporarily, by the inspiration of such courage and moved by such incredible acts of service and character. It would be incredible to experience this for myself."

Good job!

Moderator, EssayForum.com

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