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Out of these topics I came up with which has potential for an admissions essay?

mattno 1 / -  
Oct 17, 2012   #1
I'm applying through the Common App.

Topic 1:The Biggest Mistake of My Life
Basically how I didn't go to college straight after high school, my regrets and why I changed my mind.

Topic 2:Restoring my 73' Camaro
I'd write about all the hard work and dedication it took, cars are my passion but I'm not sure If it would make a good essay.

Topic 3:My life threatening hospitalization
How I don't take life for granted anymore, the struggle to get back to myself after being bedridden for a few weeks.

Any tips welcome, and if none of these topics have potential I don't mind the criticism. Thanks in advance
Jennyflower81 - / 690 96  
Oct 17, 2012   #2
Hi :) Out of these 3 topics, I like topic 2 the best. I always encourage people to write something unique, so that it will stand out for the admissions officials, instead of just getting lost in the shuffle. The restoration of a classic car is a very interesting and fresh idea to write about, and you can reveal lots of personality this way! You can use the car as an analogy too! Compare the way you restored your car to the way you improved yourself, throughout life, and you can even mention you hospitalization. Connect these ideas to the qualities you have that would help you do well in school, and in a career. Connect the car project to education by explaining that step by step you built something great, and this is what you intend to do with your career. Speak of your short term and long term goals, show yourself to be a person with a plan. Good luck in school!

Home / Undergraduate / Out of these topics I came up with which has potential for an admissions essay?
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