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"Traveling outgrows its motives..." Dreams of wondering / Semester at Sea

Rubyzamb 1 / -  
Aug 13, 2015   #1
What are your academic goals, and how will Semester at Sea help you to you achieve them? Include at least two examples.

"Traveling outgrows its motives. It soon proves sufficient in itself. You think you are making a trip, but soon it is making you - or unmaking you." -Nicolas Bouvier, The Way of the World.

Since I was a child, I had been introduced to an immersion of cultures through dancing, each one of them very distinctive from the other that surprisingly over the years, some of them fuse together and created something unique, original and creative, it taught me that cultures can cross borders and awoke my curiosity to meet everything that consist our world.

Living in a small community like Acapulco made me grow up in a constantly changing environment, at the beginnig the streets full of music, color and people, but now it is a different story.

Acapulco is now empty streets, the international media always talking about the violent and dangerous it is, advising not to visit this place and for us the "AcapulqueĊ„os" the only thing left to say is "Don't believe everything they say."

This is a global problem, the media give us an idea of how other countries are, their culture and mostly their problems, neverthless we just watch, hear and simply believe never giving the oppotunity of proving the opposite, and when at least we visit the country, we only go to the familiar, to the tourist, because we are scared of the unknown or we simply dont care enough to find a new perspective.

At being passionate about history with plans of studying political science with a Masters in Journalism, it is my goal to be a competent international communicator with my eyes always wide open at seeing the truth, causing for me to be a conscious globalized person and going beyond the boundaries like dancing did, no matter the race, religion or geographical boundaries, with all this in the mix and my passion in travel it is going to help me learn and overcome my fears , opening my mind at seeing multiple perspectives of different and unique countries that I will be visiting.

And Semester at Sea is this an only once opportunity at being surrounded by people with an alike purpose of jumping out of the traditional way and looking for adventure, as a result at doing this you are discovering that everyone is wrong about the countries and making your own idea of them, as this is a skill that is not going to develop inside of a classroom.

In this moment I am a person searching to accomplish her dreams, hoping to bring with her a lot of knowledge and life lessons that will make an impact, and Semester at Sea is the answer of those dreams.

EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Aug 15, 2015   #2
...an immersion of cultures ..--- Immersion does not fit here. You could use: "blend'

blend of cultures through dancing, each one of them very distinctive from the others. that Surprisingly, over the years, some of them fuse together and created something unique, original and creative, and this it taught me that cultures can cross borders. and It awoke my curiosity to meet everything that consist our world. experience everything of which the world consists.

Living in a small community like Acapulco made me grow up in a constantly changing environment. -- This is a great sentence. End it right here. Then, start a new sentence: At the beginning, the streets were full of music, color and people, but now it is a different story. --- instead of saying 'beginning' you can say exactly when it was. Was it during the 1990s? What time period are you discussing?

At being tudent who is passionate about history...

... knowledge and life lessons that will make an impact, and Semester at Sea is the answer fulfillment of those dreams.

: )
lcturn87 - / 434 236  
Aug 15, 2015   #3
Hello, I can help you with your essay. There are a some mistakes that can corrected that will help your ideas become clear.

When you begin to discuss Acapulco, it seems like you are trying to state: "Acapulco is filled with empty streets." The next sentence you should state:"... talks about how and dangerous it is..." Do you mean advising tourists not to visit?

The next paragraph there are too many ideas. There needs to be a few sentences formed. Place the word "because" after problem. Form a new sentence using, "Nevertheless". The next sentence should start with, "When we visit the country..,,"
justivy03 - / 2359 607  
Aug 21, 2015   #4
- Since I wasAs a child, I had been introduced
- to an immersion of cultures through dancing,
- atin the beginnigbeginning (be careful with your spelling) the
- streets were full of music,...
- Acapulco is now an empty streets,
- the international media is always talking about
- the violentviolence and dangerous it is ,
- advising people not to visit this place...

* neverthless - nevertheless
* oppotunity - opportunity
* dont - don't ( punctuation marks may be minor but it's better to have them when deem fit)

- At beingBeing passionate about...
- And Semester at Sea is this anthe only once opportunity at being surrounded by people with an alike purpose...

The best of luck Ruby and I hope the remarks I made help out.

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