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UBC entrance undergrad - tell us about you "personal growth, confident"

catlover1 1 / 1  
Nov 29, 2022   #1

UBC application essay

This question stumped me for months; who am I? So I asked my best friend to help me answer this question by describing me; she said, "You're loud, but like in a good way. I remember that presentation you gave in Social Justice made me feel bad about eating meat for the longest time. You're also kind of a mom friend, but you're like an Asian parent with yourself. " Her answer shocked me; however, upon reflection, I could see the reasoning. I'm brash, confident, and a perfectionist, all stemming from a constant itch to prove myself. I am caring because I've had to care for my brother, cousin, and four dogs. Yet, I am strict with myself because I understand what failure means to others.

My friends, classmates, and teachers would say that they perceive me as naturally confident, yet, I wasn't always. I was sad, shy, and insecure when I came to Canada. Yet, I never gave up. I toiled to learn English but was still timid and lonely. Therefore, I did everything I could to get outside the house. I forced myself to socialize with strangers by doing street and car photography. I learned to lead and adapt to difficult situations in Air Cadets. I engaged with my teachers and learned to work smart and be curious. I took risks, failed, and kept going. Although I could continually improve, I've genuinely grown as a person, and I am most proud of that. I want to take that attitude to UBC, work my ass off, and make something of myself.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Nov 29, 2022   #2
Use the correct response format for this essay. By that, I mean reflect on the characterization you have acquired in various settings as indicated. Do not try to develop a single explanation that encompasses all the social settings provided. Believe me, you are the same person in each setting. There are traits that emerge in certain situations that do not come up in other settings. The reviewer will never believe that you have only a few quality traits that are constantly on display. That creates a one dimensional character rather than a character that would be diverse, inclusive, and unique. Keep using the other person perspective to respond to the question even if you are no longer basing the characterization on an actual other person opinion. You still have to pass it off as such.

They want an exciting character to add to the student community. This is not the statement where you should play safe in character depiction. Show the reasons why you would be an asset to the community based on the indicated sections. Focus on why you are proud of the person you are because of these traits. Do not beat yourself up negatively in the response. You want to be a model applicant, not a self defeating one.
Slyrae /  
Nov 30, 2022   #3
Hey there! Thanks for the "advice" on my thread. Sorry your account got suspended. @catlover1
First off, I believe you should take a bit of a more formal or slightly more respectable approach.
Agreeing with what Holt said but essentially you need to give some different opinions besides your friend. This gives off a more well-rounded vibe and you need to use different contexts and explain what you learned from them. Everyone learns how to work smart from school. You need things that make you stand out more. The air cadets is a good example, dive deeper into it! How did the cadets help you learn to adapt to difficult situations? You mention your cousin and teachers. Why not ask them for their opinion on you and use what they say instead of just having your best friend's opinion? Instead of using the same adjectives come from three different people, have specific adjectives from different people. (ex: teacher says you're well mannered, friends says you're lighthearted, etc. Idk what other personality traits you have) If needed, cut down the word count by shortening the first quote. No offence, but the presentation part of the quote isn't really needed.

The last couple sentences are a bit confusing. What kind of attitude are you talking about? I think, for the proud section, you should concentrate on a specific thing you're proud of. Ex: you mention never giving up. (rick astley lol), so how did you learn to not give up? How will that go into your studies at UBC? (ex: At UBC I will..... and not give up etc)

Definitely never put yourself down. Choose different adjectives than brash and timid.

One more thing: "You're also kind of a mom friend, but you're like an Asian parent with yourself." Cool quote, just try to justify how you're like a mom friend. You mention one "mom" ish trait, the caring one, but nothing else in that first paragraph.

Hope it helped.

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