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I value the liveliness of the city but also long for a tight-knit learning environment; WHY BU?

krcheng 5 / 9 2  
Dec 24, 2014   #1
In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what specifically has led you to apply for admission.

Coming from a big city, I value the liveliness of the city but also long for a tight-knit learning environment. BU is the best of both world, a big city, university but tight-knit campus, where I can pursue both of my passion: Speech, Language and Hearing Science and Law. Ever since I realized the importance of diction and speaking, I aspire to help kids find their own voice and the possibility of being able to do fieldwork in the child language lab excites me. I fell in love with BU because of its debate society. Being in forensics in high school had made me fall in love with debating. I had persisted, improved and earned a supportive family who shares my passion. Forensics has trained me to be a quick thinker. My ability to think and act fast has pervaded every aspect of my educational experience. BU's debate society would allow me to find another family who I can learn from and exchange ideas with peers and professors from different countries, cultures, and belief systems. In a big college like BU with many various clubs and teams, it is a perfect fit for my adventurous and curious personality. I looking forward to trying out new clubs, exploring different courses,meeting new people from all over the world. BU will be my door to self discovery with its many options.
Sadebenjamin 2 / 5 2  
Dec 25, 2014   #2
In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what specifically has led you to apply for admission.

Coming from a big city, I value the liveliness of the city but also long for a tight-knit learning environment

I personally don't like when two of the same words are used in such close proximity of each other, let alone the same sentence! To me it sounds juvenile. Sometimes there's nothing you can do, and the word must be used twice. But I would much rather reconstruct a sentence than use a word again.

Possible reconstruction:
Coming from a big city, I value not only the liveliness of Boston, but also appreciate the close knit learning environment the surrounds it.


BU is the best of both world, a big city, university but tight-knit campus, where I can pursue both of my passion:

Something about this sentence is off putting. I would write:

Boston University, offers the best of both worlds: a spirited social setting as well as close-knit campus where I hope to pursue my passions of Speech, Langua, and hearing Science as well as Law.

Ever since I realized the importance of diction and speaking, I aspire to help kids find their own voice and the possibility of being able to do fieldwork in the child language lab excites me. I fell in love with BU because of its debate society. Being in forensics in high school had made me fall in love with debating. I had persisted, improved and earned a supportive family who shares my passion. Forensics has trained me to be a quick thinker. My ability to think and act fast has pervaded every aspect of my educational experience. BU's debate society would allow me to find another family who I can learn from and exchange ideas with peers and professors from different countries, cultures, and belief systems. In a omit big college like BU with many various clubs and teams, it is a perfect fit for my adventurous and curious personality. I looking forward to trying out new clubs, exploring different courses,meeting new people from all over the world. BU will be my door to self discovery with its many options.

Work on a stronger last sentence, but the rest is good. Great Job!
vangiespen - / 4131 1449  
Dec 26, 2014   #3
It seems to me that you were enticed to consider BU mostly by the debate team that they have. That is because you discuss this at great length within the essay. This caused a lack of balance between the extra curricular consideration and the academic consideration that you present in the essay in relation to the academic offerings of the university. Which department are you planning to formally apply for admission to? I suggest that you choose a department and develop a discussion about the offerings of the university in relation to your academic development in this field instead of discussing the big city comparison that you are doing at the moment.
cwashu 2 / 3  
Dec 27, 2014   #4
Your essay is pretty good, the only thing I would suggest is adding more things that are specific to why you chose BU. Your essay is pretty general, and I could easily put in another large university's name and it would fit the essay (most colleges have some sort of a debate club). You talk about the child language lab, you might want to expand on that. I may suggest you research BU traditions, campus life, research opportunities and study abroad programs you might want to pursue and add them to your essay.

Home / Undergraduate / I value the liveliness of the city but also long for a tight-knit learning environment; WHY BU?
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