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"I want to be a Wildcat; I want to go to Northwestern." - Why Northwestern

Anonymoussenior 17 / 124  
Dec 31, 2010   #1
Why Northwestern essay 400 words

Now, almost a year after my initial visit to Northwestern, my excitement towards the university continues to grow. I can still remember walking around campus observing students, with nothing but my baggy NU sweatshirt and my trail of footprints in the snow.

To me, Northwestern is not just about the beautiful suburbia of Evanston nor is it an escape from the blazing temperatures of Atlanta for the bristling snow of an Illinois winter. Additionally, Northwestern is not just about being a member of the Weinberg college community, it is about being a member of the larger Northwestern family. Here I will find myself pursuing my goals of becoming a doctor, while also forging the greatest friendships of my life. As a student, I could start the day out with a snowball fight on the quad, then have a meeting with my pre med advisor, and finally end the day with Who Owns the Past? an enthralling seminar taught by Professor Ann Gunter. (or an enthralling seminar about Who Owns the Past? taught by Professor Ann Gunter.)

At NU, I could use my autonomy to take advantage of the unique classes offered in Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and explore my love for various subjects. I would also benefit from Weinberg's small class sizes and the personal learning experience Northwestern is known for. I would make full use of the quarter system, and use my flexible schedule to get involved in a renowned research project, or to simply relax by the painted rock and get involve in club activities on campus.

No matter where my Northwestern journey takes me, I will be constantly learning both inside and outside of the classroom. There will be times when I will feel homesick, and times when I appreciate the distance from Evanston to Atlanta. At some point I will probably feel like I am so deep in school work that I could never get out, but I will remember my experiences at Northwestern just the same. I will probably at some point argue politics, while simultaneously completing an essay on cellular biology.

I always knew I wanted to be a Wildcat: that I wanted to go to Northwestern. For me, Northwestern is the start of something new, something exhilarating, something that can't be experienced elsewhere. Even if it was not in the big ten, or close to a big city, Northwestern would still be the school for me. I am ready to put on my purple and white.

Can you help make this flow better and help with the phrasing.

Thanks for reading my essay, I did use one of the sentences in my Rochester essay but it works so whatever. Be Harsh please.

chunf 5 / 26  
Dec 31, 2010   #2
Hi there,
thanks again for your help in my essays.
My english is not good, so i can only give ur some basic comments.

I have no comment for the first and last paragraphs, i don't know is it right to tell the college about the college jacket.

For the second and third paragraphs, I think it is well written, it shows that you are concern about the college in details.
OP Anonymoussenior 17 / 124  
Dec 31, 2010   #3
Please edit my essay I will edit yours in return.
blackpixel23 19 / 46  
Dec 31, 2010   #4
It looks like you've done some decent research about Northwestern. The problem though is that you focus on one thing, the academic offerings, and drag it out for your entire essay. It lacks depth and punch. What I recommend then is to squeeze your second and third paragraph together, and then elaborate on why that kind of system is perfect FOR YOU, aka talk about yourself no. Does it match well with your style of learning? Had an experience that made you fall in love with that type of education? Make it personal so the AdCom goes "This guy and NW seem perfect for each other."

Add that part and your essay will be solid. Take a peek at mine also! I need some serious comments.
debater514 6 / 18  
Dec 31, 2010   #5
As far as tone and general content its solid. I recall reading this essay, but since I really had nothing to say I didn't comment on it. My main issue is primarily within the second paragraph. You never explicitly a. that you like Weinberg or b. that it is because there is so many classes. You almost do in so many spots, which made it a tad aggravating for me. If you open the paragraph with something like "I am specifically interested in Weinberg because it has so many classes I would like to take" it makes everything make more sense. Otherwise its solid.
OP Anonymoussenior 17 / 124  
Dec 31, 2010   #6
Thanks for the feedback are there any grammar issues? Does it flow? Should I shift around some of the sentences? I will read your essay if you edit mine.
peachyreese 2 / 9  
Dec 31, 2010   #7
Moreover, while the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences is the largest college within the university, it would still provide me with the small class sizes and the personal learning experience Northwestern is known for.

For me, Northwestern isn't only a beautiful suburbia of Evanston located just outside the metropolis of Chicago. It isn't just an escape from the blazing temperatures of Atlanta to enjoy the snow of an Illinois winter. And, Northwestern isn't just about being a member of the Weingerg college community. (more ephasis when it's a new sentence or add a dash) It is about being a member of the exceedingly larger Northwestern family.

The flow is good and your seem really knowledgeable about Northwestern. Your conclusion seems shows the most that you want to go there.
Help me with my ND supplement essays please.
OP Anonymoussenior 17 / 124  
Dec 31, 2010   #8
Thank you moderators for taking that girls Northwestern essay down, as she quite clearly reworded my essay to make it into her own. I mean seriously its not in the boondocks but I would still love it if it were. And her second paragraph was almost a carbon copy of my own, she just changed the classes for her major. Please people write your own essays and if Northwestern questions me about the similarities between our essays I am reporting you. I do commend you stranger for adding the part about your race, it made your essay a little different from mine, however the elements of my essay copied and pasted into your essay was hard to ignore. If you post that essay again and I see it before the moderators I will close your thread.

Sincerely, a write scorned... write your own essay next time.

Please don't suspend me for this but it took me hours of writers block to come up with this first draft and I don't want someone else to benefit from it.
Tumor 3 / 5  
Dec 31, 2010   #9
seminar about ' Who Owns The Past?' taught
Maybe I'm not getting the context right, but about seems like the wrong word to me. Maybe use 'of' instead?
Otherwise I'm not sure what i would change, it looks good to me!
reading college apps for new years... sweet :P
amjeezy 5 / 17  
Dec 31, 2010   #10
i would really advise taking off the part is says even though it is in the middle of the desert part and putting something because like "even though it is not in the big ten" it makes it sound like it does not need to be widely recognized to be the best school!...but its in the middle of the desert doesnt tell me anything
john883 1 / 1  
Dec 31, 2010   #11
I think it flows well and really shows off your dedication to NU. You obviously have researched it a great deal and know how it works out there. I really would not change much. You combine more liberal writing with factual info so its well done.
CrimeanGurl 1 / 17  
Jan 1, 2011   #12
And, Northwestern is not just about being a member of the Weinberg college community;-- it is about being a member of the exceedingly larger Northwestern family.

Dash is more appropriate, in my opinion, since you have a sudden change of thought here.

There will be times when I will feel homesick, and times when I appreciate the distance from Evanston to Atlanta.

Should you be really using a comma here? Also "times when I will feel homesick" and "times when I appreciate" lack parallelism.

As to the content, I don't know much about Northwestern, but I can really feel that you're truly interested in attending it, which is probably the most important thing one can learn from this type of essay.
OP Anonymoussenior 17 / 124  
Jan 1, 2011   #13
Thanks for the feedback, any more comments before I post a final draft?
OP Anonymoussenior 17 / 124  
Jan 1, 2011   #14
I just need help with a few sentences.

Can you help make this flow better and help with the phrasing.

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