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Yale's short supplements: econ, ethics and politics; financial crisis Yale course

TVLAERE 9 / 24 3  
Jan 1, 2017   #1
Why do these areas appeal to you?

For Politics, ethics and Econ.

I would like to know if these answers aren't too generic or meaningless. If you have some tips on improving them, please suggest some.

And ow... Happy New Year

When my father told me that he wanted to quit his job, I was shocked. He is the man who taught me to always be persistent and now he wanted to pull the plug. My father, luckily, kept on going, but there are a lot of starting entrepreneurs who are experiencing this problem. The economic climate is almost forcing starters to burn out in order to become successful.

I want to study economics because, although it's very idealistic, I want to have an impact on that climate to make it more free and to encourage initiative.

Why does Yale appeal to you?

When I was browsing through the 'coursera' catalog, there was one course that grasped my attention: A Yale course on the financial crisis. Now, a year later, browsing through the actual course catalog makes me feel like a kid in a candy shop.

What I love the most about these courses is that some of them have a very politically oriented scope. Yale is a school that perfectly emerges my interest in both politics and economics. This combined with the tradition of public service makes me want to step on the plane to New Haven already.
lisa21e 1 / 7 2  
Jan 1, 2017   #2
Hi, i think you can focus more on what appeals you instead of your father or you can use your father as a good examples and talk about detailed how he affect your minds. Good luck!
bosuegbu 4 / 8 2  
Jan 1, 2017   #3
i agree with the above comment, you could be much more concise about your father's situation to have room to talk a little more about why you want to study economics. i think the second one is great!

Home / Undergraduate / Yale's short supplements: econ, ethics and politics; financial crisis Yale course
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