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The Youth Leadership Program, the exchange program, and what will you contribute

trajko91 1 / -  
Dec 5, 2010   #1
Please help answering question above for this exchange program.

The Youth Leadership Program with Central Europe is pleased to extend this opportunity to visit the United States to talented young leaders from Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary. This 4-week leadership program will provide training and instruction in leadership and project development, diversity, American culture, history and society.
swtlildee 5 / 19  
Dec 7, 2010   #2
Well, I don't know how much someone else can really help you with this. The ideas and experiences really have to come from you. What are the personal qualities of yours that will contribute to the program? Talk about leadership, ambition, desire to connect with others and learn, and etc. Any number of things that show you as a good leader and community contributor.

Demonstrate that if they pick you, you will end up contributing to the community with what you learn at the program (more so than any other candidates they can choose from).

...If you ask more specific questions, you might get better responses.

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