Generally, knowledge about life can be earned from various sources that all of them can be classified as two main groups: external resources and internal experiences. The major topic I will address in this essay is drawing a distinction between benefits of these two groups, and answering to this question that which of them more beneficial.
First and foremost, a major part of our knowledge is based on information we have got from our family and friends. This kind of awareness has these advantages that it usually takes less energy, time, and money of us; and is easier and effortless. By way of illustration, I remember about two years ago, I had to take a great exam, called national entrance exam of the universities that is held one time per year. Failure at this exam means that you will should wait until the next year exam to take it again. Furthermore, passing this exam is the only way of entering to the universities. First, I thought that I can get successful without help of others; However, since the penalty of failing in this test was wasting of one year time, I asked my friends who had the experience of this test, and they told me that what matterial would be better if I read, how make a program for myself in studying, and how be comfortable in the test day. As you have seen, my friends taught me lessons that were very helpful and invaluable, and if I wanted to obtain these experiences myself, probably I should devote a year time!!
However, sometimes listening to others advices will not help as personal experience can help, specially, when it relates to someones emotions. As an example, I remember about seven years ago, when I was a high school student, I was alone at home with my mother. Suddenly, I saw that she was very sick and could not even speak well. At that time I started to cry while my mother was getting worst. Fortunately, one of our neighbors arrived. She rapidly took a taxi and took my mother to the hospital. As a matter of fact, she rescued my mother, and taught me that in difficult situations, instead of crying and being emotionally destroyed, we should think about the best remedy to get released of the problem. Before that time, I had heard many times that what should I do at severe occasions but after that personal experience I deeply learned the lesson.
As you have seen in the previous paragraphs, both of others advices and personal experience are useful and helpful. Although the first one can be gained easier and includes a great deal of knowledge, the second one is necessary in some special occasions. In my perspective, both of them should exist to assist person reach success.
First and foremost, a major part of our knowledge is based on information we have got from our family and friends. This kind of awareness has these advantages that it usually takes less energy, time, and money of us; and is easier and effortless. By way of illustration, I remember about two years ago, I had to take a great exam, called national entrance exam of the universities that is held one time per year. Failure at this exam means that you will should wait until the next year exam to take it again. Furthermore, passing this exam is the only way of entering to the universities. First, I thought that I can get successful without help of others; However, since the penalty of failing in this test was wasting of one year time, I asked my friends who had the experience of this test, and they told me that what matterial would be better if I read, how make a program for myself in studying, and how be comfortable in the test day. As you have seen, my friends taught me lessons that were very helpful and invaluable, and if I wanted to obtain these experiences myself, probably I should devote a year time!!
However, sometimes listening to others advices will not help as personal experience can help, specially, when it relates to someones emotions. As an example, I remember about seven years ago, when I was a high school student, I was alone at home with my mother. Suddenly, I saw that she was very sick and could not even speak well. At that time I started to cry while my mother was getting worst. Fortunately, one of our neighbors arrived. She rapidly took a taxi and took my mother to the hospital. As a matter of fact, she rescued my mother, and taught me that in difficult situations, instead of crying and being emotionally destroyed, we should think about the best remedy to get released of the problem. Before that time, I had heard many times that what should I do at severe occasions but after that personal experience I deeply learned the lesson.
As you have seen in the previous paragraphs, both of others advices and personal experience are useful and helpful. Although the first one can be gained easier and includes a great deal of knowledge, the second one is necessary in some special occasions. In my perspective, both of them should exist to assist person reach success.