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annahatef 30 / 9 7  
Dec 15, 2015   #1
In many countries an academic degree from a university is preferred to vocational training. Nevertheless, we should educate more people using vocational training. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.

I agree that people should be thought about vocational training. Some people believe that university degree should be allocated for some skills to find jobs and just some educated experts have to need this information, while others have this opinion that regular people should have enough knowledge about how to get appropriate careers. This essay is explained about adults should have sufficient information about general career skills.

To begin with, knowing about different jobs and how to get jobs is an important skill for regular people. most of people try to work and earn money. Therefore, if people are educated, they will find suitable job very easily. Also, some young adults choose their academic major at the university based on future career. So, having high level of knowledge about workplaces and jobs help people to select the best interested subject at university. Additionally, knowing about some specific jobs can give people better perspective to live in which area, since some careers have high salary or better job opportunities in specific areas. For example, Iran has many oil, gas and petroleum natural sources. If people know about high paying job opportunities related to these industries, they will increase their abilities and knowledge to get these jobs.

On the other hand, education job not only is not just general skill, but also is academic materials which needed to analysis very preciously. Digging various aspects of one career cannot obtain by some general training. Adults have to past different a great deal of courses and do many projects to gain this skill which who to find prepared job.

In conclusion, general knowledge about some careers and how to introduce some skills and experiences to employees can help people to find better job or gain suitable job opportunities. This knowledge may be very little, but the small amount of it can improve job satisfaction and financial situation.
vangiespen - / 4131 1449  
Dec 15, 2015   #2
Anna, while I can follow your line of reasoning and I can accept is as academically sound, I have a problem with the way you are discussing the essay. It does not seem to be discussing the topic from a clear and thorough position of understanding. In my opinion, the strongest way to discuss this topic would have been to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of simply having an education or having just vocational training. You see, both have strengths and weaknesses that would have allowed you to agree with the statement that vocational training should be considered as a part of college education or as a separate kind of college education.

This again, just my opinion but the essay would have worked better if you had said that college education and vocational education both have their benefits in terms of educating a person who yes, I agree that attention should also be paid to vocational studies in college. For 2 reasons; college prepares you to go to work in the professional workforce, usually working for other people, with mostly theoretical knowledge. While vocational studies prepares a person to come into the workforce as a professional who works for himself because he knows a skill that people demand services for. Hence my agreement with the thought that more people should be educated using vocational training.

When you write an agree or disagree statement, always make sure that you weigh the options of both discussions, represent both sides in the essay, and then discuss your point of view in, most likely, the third to the last paragraph. That way the line of reasoning you present will be supported by previous arguments.

Arguing an essay in such a manner will ensure that your English comprehension skills are highlighted and your analytical thoughts, in terms of English representation, come across as sound and acceptable. When you argue just the side you support, your argument weakens as you inform the reader of only one aspect of the discussion when the essay has already clued you in on the fact that you should discuss 2 sides.
Riiskacha03 31 / 34 5  
Jan 8, 2016   #3
Hey Anna, here is a little of my suggestion toward your essay ..
I think it would be better if you put a introduction first rather than directly state that you agree the statement.
So lets put "Some people believe that university degree should be allocated for some skills to find jobs and just some educated experts have to need this information" in the first line as the introduction. Then put your agreement following by the reason.

This essay is explainedS about adults should have sufficient information about general career skills

... knowing about different jobs and how to get jobs is anare important skillS for regular people.

M ost of people are trying ...

Actually, you need to restate in what extent you agree toward the statement in conclusion to make it clear what side do you prefer and answer all of the task.

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